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Check/Uncheck the "Release for material planning" checkbox only during Customer order released


Is it possible to automatically uncheck the 'Release for material Planning' checkbox by default while adding the Customer order lines?

It is required because Purchase Requisition (demand) is generated automatically on Supply Site when CO header is in status Planned for the added line level when supply code is selected as “Int Purch Dir”. or 

Can we make a tick mark or check the “Release for Material Planning” checkbox after releasing the Customer order no matter which supply code is chosen.

So kindly suggest?


  • Superhero (Customer)
  • June 10, 2022

We always suggest not to mess with the Release for Material Planning box on the order lines.  Rather if you want to stop the drive for some orders until it is released, change the Wanted Delivery Date to a long date in the future like 1/1/2049.  This will stop the drive for the material without inadvertently missing the tick box later and missing ordering things.

Sebastian Persson
Do Gooder (Employee)

Hi @ProShiraA ,


If you uncheck the box in below window, demand for the listed Demand Site should not be visible on the Supply Site when the customer order is not released.



  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • December 16, 2022

Hello @Sebastian Persson ,

Is there an option for this on non-intersite orders?  We have orders that are received in a single site that the header is “Planned” however the supply code for the lines are “Invent Order” which drives the demand.  We would like for the lines to not drive demand until the header is “released” without changing dates.


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