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Help on Project Peformance Analysis


In Apps 9, and Apps 10 we used to have good field level help for the many fields that are used on the Project Peformance Analysis.  It gave the formulas for values like BAWC and the SPI and CPI values (among many others).  Those prized bits of information are not in any of the newer versions, as far as I can tell.

I remember material that I wish I’d saved that had a graph of the project costs versus time and it illustrate how the schedule vairance and cost variance cause the IEAC to change.  

I’m hoping that someone may have some of this old material and can forward it to me or add it to this topic.

Thank you.


Best answer by Åsa_B

Hi Patrick,

Please have a look at the Project Monitoring page and the tab Analysis. A majority of the field descriptions can be found on this page. We are aware of the gap on the Project Performance Analysis page. 


Here is a list exported from Apps10, if it's of any help:

BCWS Scheduled Work
The Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled, also known as scheduled work. Scheduled work is the budgeted cost scheduled to be completed at the current date if the budgeted values had been evenly distributed over the activity's workdays. This value is calculated in two different ways depending on, which earned value method has been chosen.

For Planned Values, BCWS is calculated as:
BAC * (Elapsed Workdays/Total Workdays).

For Baseline Values BCWS is calculated as:
BAC * (Base Line Elapsed Workdays/ Base Line Total Workdays).
This field is calculated and cannot be modified.

BCWP Earned Value
The Budgeted Cost of Work Performed is also known as earned value. The earned value is the budget cost for the work performed, based on the progress. This value is calculated as the Budget at Completion multiplied by the Calculated Progress, BAC*Calculated Progress. Therefore, it is important that there is accurate progress reporting to ensure valid earned value figures. A performance analysis often involves comparing the earned value BCWP (the budget cost of work accomplished), to BCWS (the cost of work that should have been achieved according to the schedule), and to ACWP (the actual cost of the work accomplished). This field is calculated and cannot be modified.

The Actual Cost of Work Performed, is also known as used cost. Used cost is the cost incurred as a result of accomplished work. Used Cost is reported from the transactions created by the connected objects until the corresponding voucher is created. The voucher will then report the Used Cost. This field is calculated and cannot be modified.

The Budget at Completion. If the project's Earned Value Method is Planned, BAC is equal to the planned value. Alternatively, i if the Earned Value Method is Baseline, BAC is equal to the baseline value. This field is calculated and cannot be modified.

Schedule Performance Index, calculated as Earned Value divided by the Budgeted Cost for Work Scheduled, BCWP/BCWS. It indicates if the progress is ahead of or behind schedule. A value of one (1) indicates that the work performed is in accordance with the work scheduled to be performed. A value greater than 1 indicates that work performed is ahead of schedule, and a value less than 1 indicates that work performed is behind schedule. This field is calculated and cannot be modified. Value on the sum line is using the summarized values for the entire selection in the calculation. It is not a simple sum of the columns.

Cost Performance Index, calculated as the Earned Value divided by the Actual Cost of Work Performed, BCWP/ACWP. It indicates if the budgeted cost for the work performed is more or less than the actual cost for work performed. A value of one (1) indicates that the cost for work performed is in accordance with the budgeted cost for this work. A value greater than 1 indicates that the cost for work performed is less than the budgeted cost for this work. A value less than 1 indicates that the cost for work performed is more than the budgeted cost for this work. Better information on the project's performance can be obtained by studying the Cost Performance Index instead of only the Cost Variance. Consider the following example:

Activity 1 200,000 220,000 -20,000 0.9
Activity 2 50,000 70,000 -20,000 0.7

Both activities have the same CV, but the CPI clearly shows that activity 2 has a far greater problem than activity 1. This could not be detected by only looking at the Cost Variance. This field is calculated and cannot be modified. Value on the sum line is using the summarized values for the entire selection in the calculation. It is not a simple sum of the column.

Estimate to Complete is the total estimated remaining cost to complete the activity. The field cannot be modified. The estimated remaining cost to complete the activity for each cost element is changed in Project Navigator/Activity/Estimate.

The Estimate At Completion. This value is equal to the Actual Cost of Work Performed plus the Estimate To Complete (ACWP+ETC). This field is calculated and cannot be modified.

The Variance At Completion, is calculated as the Budget At Completion minus the Estimate at Completion (BAC-EAC). A negative value indicates that the given estimate to complete will result in the costs at completion exceeding the budget. This field is calculated and cannot be modified

The Cost Variance is calculated as the Earned Value minus the Actual Cost of Work Performed (BCWP - ACWP). It indicates whether costs to date are better or worse than budgeted for the work performed. A positive value indicates that costs to date are less than budgeted for the work performed. A negative value indicates that costs to date are more than budgeted for the work performed. This field is calculated and cannot be modified.

The Schedule Variance is calculated as the Earned Value minus the Budgeted Cost for Work Scheduled (BCWP - BCWS). It indicates whether costs to date are ahead of or behind schedule. A positive value indicates that costs to date are ahead of schedule. A negative value indicates that costs to date are behind schedule. This field is calculated and cannot be modified.

The Independent Estimate To Complete is calculated as the Budget at Completion minus the Earned Value, divided by the Cost Performance Index, or (BAC-BCWP)/CPI. It is an estimate of the cost required for completion, based on work continuing at the current rate of earned value. This field is calculated and cannot be modified. Value on the sum line is using the summarized values for the entire selection in the calculation. It is not a simple sum of the columns.

The Independent Estimate At Completion is calculated as the Actual Cost of Work Performed plus the Independent Estimate To Complete (ACWP + IETC). It is the final cost if the rate of spending remains the same. It is an estimate of the revised cost at completion based on the work continuing at the current rates of Earned Value and actual costs. This field is calculated and cannot be modified. Value on the sum line is using the summarized values for the entire selection in the calculation. It is not a simple sum of the columns.

The Independent Variance At Completion is calculated as the Budget At Completion minus the Independent Estimate At Completion (BAC-IEAC). It is a cost estimate of how the budget will be affected if there is no change to the current rate of Earned Value and the current rate of used costs. A negative value indicates that the current rate of Earned Value and used costs will result in the costs at completion exceeding the budget. This field is calculated and cannot be modified. Value on the sum line is using the summarized values for the entire selection in the calculation. It is not a simple sum of the columns.


Kind regards,


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3 replies

Hero (Employee)
  • Hero (Employee)
  • 22 replies
  • Answer
  • July 12, 2024

Hi Patrick,

Please have a look at the Project Monitoring page and the tab Analysis. A majority of the field descriptions can be found on this page. We are aware of the gap on the Project Performance Analysis page. 


Here is a list exported from Apps10, if it's of any help:

BCWS Scheduled Work
The Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled, also known as scheduled work. Scheduled work is the budgeted cost scheduled to be completed at the current date if the budgeted values had been evenly distributed over the activity's workdays. This value is calculated in two different ways depending on, which earned value method has been chosen.

For Planned Values, BCWS is calculated as:
BAC * (Elapsed Workdays/Total Workdays).

For Baseline Values BCWS is calculated as:
BAC * (Base Line Elapsed Workdays/ Base Line Total Workdays).
This field is calculated and cannot be modified.

BCWP Earned Value
The Budgeted Cost of Work Performed is also known as earned value. The earned value is the budget cost for the work performed, based on the progress. This value is calculated as the Budget at Completion multiplied by the Calculated Progress, BAC*Calculated Progress. Therefore, it is important that there is accurate progress reporting to ensure valid earned value figures. A performance analysis often involves comparing the earned value BCWP (the budget cost of work accomplished), to BCWS (the cost of work that should have been achieved according to the schedule), and to ACWP (the actual cost of the work accomplished). This field is calculated and cannot be modified.

The Actual Cost of Work Performed, is also known as used cost. Used cost is the cost incurred as a result of accomplished work. Used Cost is reported from the transactions created by the connected objects until the corresponding voucher is created. The voucher will then report the Used Cost. This field is calculated and cannot be modified.

The Budget at Completion. If the project's Earned Value Method is Planned, BAC is equal to the planned value. Alternatively, i if the Earned Value Method is Baseline, BAC is equal to the baseline value. This field is calculated and cannot be modified.

Schedule Performance Index, calculated as Earned Value divided by the Budgeted Cost for Work Scheduled, BCWP/BCWS. It indicates if the progress is ahead of or behind schedule. A value of one (1) indicates that the work performed is in accordance with the work scheduled to be performed. A value greater than 1 indicates that work performed is ahead of schedule, and a value less than 1 indicates that work performed is behind schedule. This field is calculated and cannot be modified. Value on the sum line is using the summarized values for the entire selection in the calculation. It is not a simple sum of the columns.

Cost Performance Index, calculated as the Earned Value divided by the Actual Cost of Work Performed, BCWP/ACWP. It indicates if the budgeted cost for the work performed is more or less than the actual cost for work performed. A value of one (1) indicates that the cost for work performed is in accordance with the budgeted cost for this work. A value greater than 1 indicates that the cost for work performed is less than the budgeted cost for this work. A value less than 1 indicates that the cost for work performed is more than the budgeted cost for this work. Better information on the project's performance can be obtained by studying the Cost Performance Index instead of only the Cost Variance. Consider the following example:

Activity 1 200,000 220,000 -20,000 0.9
Activity 2 50,000 70,000 -20,000 0.7

Both activities have the same CV, but the CPI clearly shows that activity 2 has a far greater problem than activity 1. This could not be detected by only looking at the Cost Variance. This field is calculated and cannot be modified. Value on the sum line is using the summarized values for the entire selection in the calculation. It is not a simple sum of the column.

Estimate to Complete is the total estimated remaining cost to complete the activity. The field cannot be modified. The estimated remaining cost to complete the activity for each cost element is changed in Project Navigator/Activity/Estimate.

The Estimate At Completion. This value is equal to the Actual Cost of Work Performed plus the Estimate To Complete (ACWP+ETC). This field is calculated and cannot be modified.

The Variance At Completion, is calculated as the Budget At Completion minus the Estimate at Completion (BAC-EAC). A negative value indicates that the given estimate to complete will result in the costs at completion exceeding the budget. This field is calculated and cannot be modified

The Cost Variance is calculated as the Earned Value minus the Actual Cost of Work Performed (BCWP - ACWP). It indicates whether costs to date are better or worse than budgeted for the work performed. A positive value indicates that costs to date are less than budgeted for the work performed. A negative value indicates that costs to date are more than budgeted for the work performed. This field is calculated and cannot be modified.

The Schedule Variance is calculated as the Earned Value minus the Budgeted Cost for Work Scheduled (BCWP - BCWS). It indicates whether costs to date are ahead of or behind schedule. A positive value indicates that costs to date are ahead of schedule. A negative value indicates that costs to date are behind schedule. This field is calculated and cannot be modified.

The Independent Estimate To Complete is calculated as the Budget at Completion minus the Earned Value, divided by the Cost Performance Index, or (BAC-BCWP)/CPI. It is an estimate of the cost required for completion, based on work continuing at the current rate of earned value. This field is calculated and cannot be modified. Value on the sum line is using the summarized values for the entire selection in the calculation. It is not a simple sum of the columns.

The Independent Estimate At Completion is calculated as the Actual Cost of Work Performed plus the Independent Estimate To Complete (ACWP + IETC). It is the final cost if the rate of spending remains the same. It is an estimate of the revised cost at completion based on the work continuing at the current rates of Earned Value and actual costs. This field is calculated and cannot be modified. Value on the sum line is using the summarized values for the entire selection in the calculation. It is not a simple sum of the columns.

The Independent Variance At Completion is calculated as the Budget At Completion minus the Independent Estimate At Completion (BAC-IEAC). It is a cost estimate of how the budget will be affected if there is no change to the current rate of Earned Value and the current rate of used costs. A negative value indicates that the current rate of Earned Value and used costs will result in the costs at completion exceeding the budget. This field is calculated and cannot be modified. Value on the sum line is using the summarized values for the entire selection in the calculation. It is not a simple sum of the columns.


Kind regards,


  • Author
  • Hero (Employee)
  • 119 replies
  • July 12, 2024

This is exactly what I wanted.  I did not thik to look at the Project Monitoring page where this information is on the Analysis tab.  And thank you for the extract from Apps 10, that saves me a lot of copy and paste.  If time is ever given, this kind of informatoin would be nice to have in an “About Project Perfornamce Analysis”.



Hero (Employee)
  • Hero (Employee)
  • 22 replies
  • July 13, 2024

Great to hear that. I will add a task to create an About Project Performance Analysis to the backlog, and we will do our best to realise that.


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