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FSM Mobile - Setting Part Usage place id from

Hero (Customer)


Historically we’ve always set the place_id_from on Part Usage to that of the FOR_STOCK value of the person record creating the part usage.


At the minute we have a number of resources assisting different area’s due to the seasonality of various locations.

We have built a process that see’s the resource is working out of a different location for set days, and as part of this process we’re triggering an update to mobile to perform_replication_for_table_and_person on the PERSON_PLACE Table. When this runs I can check the device and query that table for the data, and it shows correct.


The problem I am having is that even though the table on the mobile has been truncated, when the technician is looking to use a part it’s trying to use from the previous place and not the new data that shows after receiving the update.

Am I doing something wrong, or is my understanding of what should happen after invoking that perform message.


Any assistance will be greatly appreciated.



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