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FSM Notifications sent from multiple different mail accounts


Fellow FSM community,


Does anybody know, if it’s possible to set-up FSM to use different outgoing (sender) mail accounts when sending notification messages.

My customer is working as sub-contractor on behalf of different tenants and needs to send out delivery notifications from different mail accounts.

Even though It’s possible to specify the sender via “Message From” Field within the notification template, the process fails because application server is obviously trying to use the SMTP credentials specified within APP PARAMS. So it can access the specified mailbox if it’s different to the SMTP_USER specified. 

Following exception can be found within the Server Log:

The following system level exception was generated by the application: Communication error sending smtp mail message: Mailbox unavailable. The server response was: Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable


So does anyone of you have an idea how to solve this requirement?

Thanks in advance!


Best Regards


Andrei Venglinsky


Lee Pinchbeck
Ultimate Hero

Hi @vendrew,

You should be able to set up separate senders as you have done with no issues as long as the chosen addresses are available at the SMTP server set up in the app params. Only one SMTP server can be setup in the FSM app params so all addresses need to be accessible from that one server.

As you indicate these are emails relating to different tenants, does the sub-contractor have access to email from those mailboxes as a sub-contractor?

You may need to handle this on the exchange server side by using addresses at the same SMTP server address and then re-routing them at the server to be from the correct sender depending on the internal email address used.

Kind regards,

Lee Pinchbeck

  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • July 15, 2022

We are sending email from different email domains using Outlook 365.  Both domains are configured in the same Outlook 365 server though.

We have one account configured in the IFS app parameters.  On the Outlook 365 side we had to give that account permission to send email as any other email accounts we want IFS to be able to send email from.  We can now set the “message from” in the notification message to any address the main account has permission to send as.

That’s all Outlook 365 specific so it may not help you.  


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