I have to get the access token from External system to FSM.
I have tried in two ways but it didn’t worked as expected. can someone guide me on this
First Way:
Step 1:
Message Routing Rule: with handler OAuth2ExtractHandler and connector: JsonOutboundConnector with following details

Step 2:
Xml Maps I temporarily use Request table as Primary Table
without mappings

Step 3:
While testing, I got below error. Same i tried with Post man and got access token. but in FSM its not working and not returning any access token instead it throws error “Bad Request”

Second Way:
Step 1:
Message Routing Rule: with handler HTTPExtractHandler and connector: JsonOutboundConnector with following details

Step 2:
Xml Maps I temporarily use Request table as Primary Table
and build the request body with all the parameters need for access token mappings

Step 3:
While testing, I got below error. in FSM its not working and not returning any access token instead it throws error “Bad Request”

So can anyone guide me how to configure the routing rule and map get the access token from Azure.