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Object Connection Transformation from Project Demand Line to Purchase Req- is it possible?


Hello Everyone :)


My customer wants to attach documents onto the Project Activity Demand Line, so that when they create a Purchase Req from this line in the project, the attachment is then pulled through.


I have tried using the Source LU Name of ProjectMiscProcurement and Target LU Name of PurchaseReqLinePart but am unable to see the attachment pull through- any advice? Thank you.


Kind Regards


Amila Samarasinghe
Superhero (Partner)

Hi @Aisha Refae 

It looks like the transformation method you have given is invalid. The CONTRACT refers to site in IFS Apps and it cannot be equal to the material sequence number. You have to find the correct column mapping between 2 LU’s in order to make the transformation work. If in case a direct column mapping is not there then you have to use a custom database method as the transformation method. Once you have identified the correct method you can use test transformation RMB option to see if your transformation is working. Select 2 related records in the 2 LUs and give target LU key values and see if it correctly returns source LU key value. If so transformation should work.



Mathias Dahl
Superhero (Employee)
  • Superhero (Employee)
  • October 6, 2021

Also have a look at the documentation:

Yes, it’s a bit dense, but it’s packed with useful information! If it does not explain a question you might have on the topic, you should let us know.

Do understand though, that it’s an advanced topic and you might not just “get it” immediately. It’s not rocket science but it’s important to understand the basics first and the basic transformation rules. Then proceed from there into more advanced ones.

Good luck!



  • Sidekick (Employee)
  • October 19, 2021

Hello :)


Thank you both for your help.


I have managed to solve the first part of my scenario- where the documents are attached to the demand line on the project activity (Misc Demand) and are then pulled through onto the Purchase Requisition Line. I achieved this by creating a Custom Field on the Purchase Req Line to reference the Source LU Key ‘Material Seq No’ 


However, I now need this attachment pulled through from the Purchase Req Line to the Purchase Order Line which by standard object connection transformation is possible, but because I have created this customised connection between the Project and Purchase Req Line, how am I able to pull these documents through?


Mathias Dahl
Superhero (Employee)
  • Superhero (Employee)
  • October 19, 2021


So the Source LU is PurchaseReqLine and Target is PurchaseOrderLine, right?

PurchaseReqLine have these key attributes:


The Target LU, PurchaseOrderLine has these attributes:


I know nothing about this area, but it would seem to me that it should be possible to map these two LUs easily, if the three attributes in PurchaseOrderLine matches the three keys in PurchaseReqLine.

Did you try this?


  • Sidekick (Employee)
  • October 19, 2021

Hello Mathias,


Yes you are right, the connection is normally simple to match out how you have described.

However, I think because I had to customise the connection between projects demand line and purchase req line to get the documents to appear by creating a custom field so that the Material Seq No from the project was on the purchase req line as this was the LU key required to make the connection, when the documents now appear on the Purchase Req Line, and I create a PO, the attached documents do not appear on the Purchase Order Line even though this standard connection is there. 


Kind Regards


Mathias Dahl
Superhero (Employee)
  • Superhero (Employee)
  • October 19, 2021

Sorry, since I don’t know the area what you are saying are like Greek to me :) I just have one thing more to add and that is to say that you cannot join transformation rules together. So, if there is a rule from A to B, and a rule from B to C, documents on A will NOT automatically appear on C. You need a special rule for A to C if you need that. Often that is “too far” to handle with a simple “column mapping rule” and you will need to write a PL/SQL method to do the transformation. There are many examples of methods like this already installed that you can look at for inspiration.

Good luck!


  • Do Gooder (Partner)
  • February 1, 2023

@Aisha Refae Can you please share how you got the custom field into your transformation method?  I have created the custom field on my PurchaseOrder LU, which is my source, but it does not appear as an option for me to choose on my transformation method?  My field name is CF$_INVOICE_ID but it is not showing.  Thank you in advance for any help you can provide.


Mathias Dahl
Superhero (Employee)
  • Superhero (Employee)
  • February 13, 2023


Go to Object Connections in Solution Manager and change the view name for the LU/entity to the CFV view that is created when you enable custom fields (purchace_order_cfv perhaps). Then the system knows from where to list the fields.


  • Do Gooder (Partner)
  • February 13, 2023

@Mathias Dahl Thank you sir.  I found the documentation and changed the view.  I am all set now.

Mathias Dahl
Superhero (Employee)
  • Superhero (Employee)
  • February 13, 2023

I'm glad you were able to solve it! 🙂 💪🏻 


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