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Conditional expressions in Value type Business Rule

  • February 15, 2022
  • 1 reply



I am trying to implement a conditional expression for a value type Business rule. My condition is below


If the value for TDC_TASK_EXT.USER_DEF103 is Null, it should set the value for TASK.USER_DEF_NUM2 as 1100 and if Not Null, it should set the value of C_JOB_CODE.BASE_VALUE.But it is always setting the value as 1100. So it seems that Boolean result for highlighted (in yellow) condition is always being true.

Could someone help me understand what I am doing wrong here?

Mike The FSM TechnoGeek
Superhero (Employee)

Make sure that you have force_select = ‘Y’ set for TDC_TASK_EXT.USER_DEF103.  My guess is that FSM is not retrieving the value from the database, so it’s always null for the condition.

Is your custom business process triggered on a TASK table transaction?  If not, try the whole custom business process against the TASK table, referencing the extension fields as if they were part of the TASK table rather than the extension table.


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