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customer order line discount amount


can someone explain how the amount discount is calculated in customer order line if there is tax code defined for the line? cause in my case i can see that, the amount discount gets changed based on the tax code which i dont want.


[both for app-9 and app-10]

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Net Amount = Price + Discounts

Gross Amount = Net Amount + Tax

I believe discount amount would not change since it is based on the price. But your Tax amount can be changed since it is based on Price + Any Discount applied.


Susith Setunga
Superhero (Employee)
  • Superhero (Employee)
  • 140 replies
  • May 28, 2021

Hi @vsonanann,

As Ravinatha correctly stated above your discount amount is independent of the tax amount and should not change even if you change the tax code. Please refer below example how the discount amount remain unchanged with the change of the tax codes


Hope this helps 




  • Author
  • Sidekick (Partner)
  • 73 replies
  • May 28, 2021

@Susith Setunga, i agree that it does not get changed here but in the voucher it gets changed which u will find in the order line discount popup box. In the popup box we can see the field acc discount net amount has a different value than the discount amount. and this value gets transferred to the voucher. see the attachment please.


Susith Setunga
Superhero (Employee)
  • Superhero (Employee)
  • 140 replies
  • May 28, 2021



It still works fine for me.

I think you are using discount amount rather than %, but that should be fine. Is this discount entered in CO line or calculated from any other source like agreement or price list?

Also can you show me the discount % column in CO line? and line price query like below





  • Author
  • Sidekick (Partner)
  • 73 replies
  • May 28, 2021

@Susith Setunga, yes i am using discount amount rather than %. the steps are as follows:

  1. create customer order header.
  2. add a customer order line.
  3. RMB on the line and select Order line details>Order line Discount and Customer Order Line Discount popup box will appear.
  4. add a new discount line
  5. select the discount type
  6. enter discount amount/curr value and select apply.
  7. once these steps are done, in my case acc discount net amount and acc discount gross amount fields are getting two different values and the net amount is getting transferred to the voucher which is the problem i am facing. there may b some setting in the company/site/customer level which i am mistaking. though i have tried different settings in these levels but did not get the expected result. in that case, i need to know the exact logic. 


@vsonanann In your example, I can see that you have used a Discount % of 6.0240963…

Price = 72,173.91

Therefore Discount Amount  = 4347.83 (this would be the Discount Net Amount)

After applying 15% VAT,  Discount Amount = 5000 (this would be the Discount Gross Amount).

So I believe system is working correctly here.

Thank you,


  • Author
  • Sidekick (Partner)
  • 73 replies
  • May 28, 2021

@Ravinatha Ariyarathna, that’s the point. so is there any way we can define that VAT should not be applied to the discount amount?? i.e. discount net amount and gross amount should be same.


@vsonanann, yes you are correct. If you enter the Discount Amount, it should be the Discount Net Amount too. But in your case, system again calculates the discount based on the price ignoring the Discount Amount you entered. This could be a bug. I checked in APP10 core environment and there it works fine. 

You may send a Support case to us then we can have a look on this.  Thank you.

Susith Setunga
Superhero (Employee)
  • Superhero (Employee)
  • 140 replies
  • May 28, 2021

Followed the same steps and my order discounts still works fine. May be you need to check whether you are using the core version of the application. This is APP10 Update 11  

  • Author
  • Sidekick (Partner)
  • 73 replies
  • May 28, 2021

@Susith Setunga & @Ravinatha Ariyarathna, i tried it in 2 different environment, one in apps-9 and other in apps-10. but in both the projects there was a same customization deployed. may b that is the reason. thanks for ur valuable responses.

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