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upgrade from IFS Apps v7 to v10

Is there any documentation, help, information, etc. available

specifically about upgrading from Apps v7 to Apps v10?


Maybe an overview of all modules/towers of Apps v7, compared to Apps 10?

Superhero (Partner)
  • Superhero (Partner)
  • January 24, 2020


Are you looking for technical or functional upgrade documentation? The step by step technical upgrade is usually covered in the Upgrade Deployment Guide IFS ships along with the Upgrade kit.

However, IFS will first hold an environment evaluation meeting to advise whether upgrade is an option, considering v7 is quite old.

One of ours clients ended up upgrading from v7 to v10 in two sides -Side A (v7 to v9) & Side B (v9 to v10) within the same project.



  • January 24, 2020

more in terms of commercial business case:

what are the advantages of migrating/switching/upgrading (whatever you might call it) from Apps 7 with heavy customizations, to 10 with (hopefully) a lot of standard(ized) functionality;

so: what has been improved/added/deleted in Apps 10, compared to 7?

Sidekick (Partner)
  • Sidekick (Partner)
  • January 24, 2020

For version 7 to Apps 10 I would recommend a re-implementation instead of an upgrade. Lets first go over some definitions.

  • Upgrade - the software is uplifted using a series of scripts provided by IFS. Everything from version 7 will be moved forward to 10. You’ll end up with invalid objects from your customizations. It will take some work to clean out what you no longer want to use, but all of you data will be there. Upgrading from 7 to 10 takes two full upgrade passes. If the data isn’t correct then you have to find out in what pass the error occurred (7 to 9, or 9 to 10). Multiple upgrade passes requires additional testing, as you should test the 7 to 9 pass, and then the 9 to 10 pass. The amount of time it takes for the scripts to run for 2 complete upgrade passes is also a concern.
  • Re-Implementation - a clean version of Apps 10 software is installed. You manually create your basic data and migrate your version 7 data into the new instance. You only bring forward the customizations you need. All of your transaction history is not present. You can’t easily see past orders, stats, transaction movements, etc. Staring over will give you an opportunity to re-engineer processes and workflows to fit your current business model.

What direction do you think you are leaning towards?


Hero (Customer)
  • Hero (Customer)
  • January 27, 2020

We moved from 7 to 10 last year and never managed to get this data from IFS, it’s a really weak area. They have lots of powerpoints for specific modules but no summaries or feature comparisons.

  • January 27, 2020
alanbclark wrote:

some definitions.

What direction do you think you are leaning towards?

thank you for your clear definitions;
these are more or less how I defined them, but more concise and precise.

from experience I already advised them to go for a “re-implementation”,
since this will enable us to go into the scoping process with assumptions and the “tunnel vision” of the current system

I am hoping that some of their current customizations can be done/handled by standard functionality of IFS Apps 10

  • January 27, 2020
GPIE wrote:

We moved from 7 to 10 last year and never managed to get this data from IFS, it’s a really weak area. They have lots of powerpoints for specific modules but no summaries or feature comparisons.

Thank you for your reply.

With whom of IFS did you speak about this?
Maybe it’s a good idea for me to contact him/her about this.

Superhero (Partner)
  • Superhero (Partner)
  • February 13, 2020

Here is an example of such an update. It can be located on openIFS

  • Do Gooder
  • October 20, 2020

Could you

eqbstal wrote:

Here is an example of such an update. It can be located on openIFS

Could you please the .PPT.

  • Do Gooder (Customer)
  • October 30, 2020

I think this open ifs forum no longer exists.
At least the link leads to an error message.


Sidekick (Employee)
  • Sidekick (Employee)
  • October 30, 2020

Unfortunately, the “openIFS” forum no longer exists.  This IFS Community forum has now replaced openIFS.

I feel one of the best tools you can use to determine what has changes since Apps 7 is the “IFS Enhancement Index” spreadsheet (attached here).  The spreadsheet uses a macro to filter all the enhancements since X version.  You can then use further filters by module and business area.  by using this spreadsheet tool, you can focus ibn on the changes that are relevant to your company and business processes.  Then with a list of relevant changes, you can then go into the “What’s New” PowerPoint presentation that contain a lot more detail.  



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