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IAL in Crystal report


I had used an IAL on an crystal report.

The crystal report runs from the REP view..



When I preview the report in Crystal reports I can see the values from IAL

But when I view the same report with the same result key from IFS, the fields from IAL is displayed empty.


P.S. I don’t get any error, just that the fields from IAL shows up in Crystal report and it does not show up in IFS

Crystal Reports Preview
IFS Preview


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3 replies

Dumeesha Wanigarathna
Superhero (Partner)

Hi @geminirajesh ,


Is this report (IFS Preview) is customized to include the order no and Customer PO. 

There should be relevant xml tags that carry the data to fetch data to IFS report layouts  - (xxxxx.xsl or xxxxx.rpl ) . Here is one example.



Debugging the code need to be done to find why the data not fetched. May be correct xml tag ins missing in the database logic.


Hi Dumeesha,


Where will I find these xml tags ?



Dumeesha Wanigarathna
Superhero (Partner)

Hi @geminirajesh ,


xml tags are there in the database report logic. As an example in print purchase order report.

PURCHASE_ORDER_PRINT_REP is the reportview

You can find the xml tags in Purchase_Order_Rpi package.

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