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How to Run APB by Project

  • March 4, 2021
  • 1 reply


Hi guys, 


How does a user run Advanced Planning Board (APB) to schedule a single project?


I have released demand for a single end-item, under a specific project ID/code. I then accepted all the requisitions (shop order) for the parts under that structure (as found in Product Structure - Multi-Level...). I then inserted the project ID ‘TOL000058’ in the relevant box in APB (first tab ‘Load Options’)


But when I count hits the result is no orders found under this criteria. Despite 60 shop orders being at a PLD state, with their dependent demand coming from the project in question.


See below:


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1 reply


Hi @JoherM 


Have you checked whether all shop order requisitions are converted to Shop orders? Are those in Planned state?

Could you please add a screenshot from one of your shop orders which shows “Misc. order Info tab” as well..




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