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Splittable workorders in PSO in combination with Compatible Unit (APPS9)

  • October 29, 2020
  • 1 reply


Dear Forum,

We are trying to use the Compatible Unit, with workorders (MWO) and the PSO to generate Splittable Work Orders (orders that take longer than a working day, e.g. the PSO will plan a workorder that has an operation of 40 hours on 5 different days of work containing 8 working hours). 

While testing the splittable workorders (PSO V6.5.0.27, IFS APPS V9.0.52.0 and mWO we encounter a problem when trying to finish a splitted workorder (so finish one day of work, NOT THE ENTIRE WORKORDER).

We see that the PSO has a workorder status 68, which means that the visit is complete, so one day of work is complete, we miss this workorder status in IFS APPS V9, can someone help us with this?


Thanks in advance.


Kind Regards,

Sander Olsman

  • Superhero (Employee)
  • December 31, 2020

Splitting work orders is not supported in Apps9 unfortunately (unless you build a modification). In Apps 10 you have split functionality out of the box, where the application creates multiple assignments linked to tasks.


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