Hi Tharindu,
Please find the Insight.
When an employee allocation line is created it is linked to an existing resource planning line or, if a corresponding planning line does not exist, it creates one - either way it is linked to a resource planning line, the main reason for this is to always have the ability to track and have follow up at the Resource Group level within both Project Resource Planning and Resource Analysis. Trying to change the resource on the allocation changes the planning line and there are lots of scenarios where sometimes it might need to be attached to the same planning line (depending on the resource structure) whereas others it might need to be attached to a different planning line or create a completely new planning line. As these different scenarios are dependent on the individual requirements at the time there is no simple solution to this when editing, what is in effect, the identifier to the corresponding planning line, i.e. the Resource ID, that is why it is possible to edit it on a new record but not on an existing record because, by then, the link to the corresponding planning line has been created. There is one exception where it is possible to update the Resource on an existing allocation line but it is controlled by editing the Employee value and selecting a different record via the LOV but as has been previously stated that it dependent on how the Resource Structure has been configured and ultimately the allocation would still be linked to the same planning line and that is why it is possible via the Employee LOV.
In previous versions of the application there was a less strict need to have resources defined, for instance it was possible to create an employee allocation without any resource group defined but also it would only allow resources to be selected that were already planned for. In Apps10 with the introduction of the Resource Management concept it is now possible to not only have an employee connected to multiple resource groups but also possible to assign an employee against a group that has not been planned for and for that planning line to be created - the compromise is that, currently, it is therefore not possible, due to complexities mentioned above, to easily edit the resource that the allocation should be assigned against and so for that scenario it should be possible to remove the existing allocation line and create a new one for the required resource (or duplicate the record and edit the resource on the new line).
Hope this clarifies your question.