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Purchase Order - 'Email Order...' option from RMB menu

Sidekick (Customer)

In Apps 9...

I would like to know how and what criteria needs to be done to use this option from the RMB menu of a purchase order.  I know all about setting up an event action triggered off the PDF_REPORT_CREATED - but this is not what I want as that would be something that is triggered upon every PO printed and not just when I select the menu item while on a certain PO.  Has anyone used this feature and can help explain it a little to me?


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Hero (Partner)
  • Hero (Partner)
  • 153 replies
  • March 18, 2021


This RMB option is used to send the PO as a PDF attachment to the Supplier. When you use this it will trigger the PDF_REPORT_CREATED as you mentioned and send a email using IFS/Connect with the PDF created from the event. In order to work this functionality you need setup the IFS/Connect, PDF_REPORT_CREATED event with the rule, Supplier Contact used in PO should enabled for E Mail Communication and Purchase Order check box should be enabled in Supplier master data.

Hope this will Help




Dumeesha Wanigarathna
Superhero (Partner)



If you are accessible  IFS Online documentation (if this is installed in the environment you are working with) all the information available there in the below patch.  You can get this documentation in the Help → Page help in any of IFS Application page.


Sidekick (Customer)
  • Author
  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • 37 replies
  • March 18, 2021
AkilaR wrote:


This RMB option is used to send the PO as a PDF attachment to the Supplier. When you use this it will trigger the PDF_REPORT_CREATED as you mentioned and send a email using IFS/Connect with the PDF created from the event. In order to work this functionality you need setup the IFS/Connect, PDF_REPORT_CREATED event with the rule, Supplier Contact used in PO should enabled for E Mail Communication and Purchase Order check box should be enabled in Supplier master data.

Hope this will Help




Thanks for your response.  Very similar to what IFS responded with.  However, this PDF_REPORT_CREATED event would also trigger anytime anyone just normally prints a purchase order as well.  Thanks IS NOT what I want.  I want this email to happen ONLY when I choose the option from the RMB menu on the purchase order and choose to email it.  If there is any help in this issue I would appreciate it.

Sidekick (Customer)
  • Author
  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • 37 replies
  • March 18, 2021
Dumeesha Wanigarathna wrote:



If you are accessible  IFS Online documentation (if this is installed in the environment you are working with) all the information available there in the below patch.  You can get this documentation in the Help → Page help in any of IFS Application page.


Thanks for the response, but as stated this documentation is useless as it only speaks to creating an event that would email any time the PDF of a purchase order is created.

Hero (Partner)
  • Hero (Partner)
  • 153 replies
  • March 18, 2021
AkilaR wrote:


This RMB option is used to send the PO as a PDF attachment to the Supplier. When you use this it will trigger the PDF_REPORT_CREATED as you mentioned and send a email using IFS/Connect with the PDF created from the event. In order to work this functionality you need setup the IFS/Connect, PDF_REPORT_CREATED event with the rule, Supplier Contact used in PO should enabled for E Mail Communication and Purchase Order check box should be enabled in Supplier master data.

Hope this will Help




Thanks for your response.  Very similar to what IFS responded with.  However, this PDF_REPORT_CREATED event would also trigger anytime anyone just normally prints a purchase order as well.  Thanks IS NOT what I want.  I want this email to happen ONLY when I choose the option from the RMB menu on the purchase order and choose to email it.  If there is any help in this issue I would appreciate it.

I’m sorry if I have misunderstood your requirement. But as @Dumeesha Wanigarathna stated, in the help document it says if you use PDF_PARAMETER_11 != TRUE in the conditions then  Application will not send an E Mail when printing the report.




Dumeesha Wanigarathna
Superhero (Partner)



Now I understood your requirement. You do not need the emailing the PO when you do Print invoice option.


You can try the information in the documentation as mentioned by @AkilaR too. At the same time I too have few suggestions. 


1.0 Print invoice RMB option is associated with the PDF_REPORT_CREATED event and it is triggered when a print job is triggered and is successfully completed. A print job is entered when you print to a Logical Printer and never when you print to a physical printer. If you want to get a printout of the PO then check a physical printer (without a connection to logical printer)


2.0 You can try  disabling the PDF_REPORT_CREATED event and try report rule functionality for the Purchase order report


Report Rule to send an email with a customizable mail subject and body etc. You need to setup a report rule with the “Send email” action. How to do this is given in the F1 docs and the link is given below. This link may be vary depending on the environment you are in. You can try F1 key to get this.


Sidekick (Customer)
  • Author
  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • 37 replies
  • March 18, 2021
Dumeesha Wanigarathna wrote:



Now I understood your requirement. You do not need the emailing the PO when you do Print invoice option.


You can try the information in the documentation as mentioned by @AkilaR too. At the same time I too have few suggestions. 


1.0 Print invoice RMB option is associated with the PDF_REPORT_CREATED event and it is triggered when a print job is triggered and is successfully completed. A print job is entered when you print to a Logical Printer and never when you print to a physical printer. If you want to get a printout of the PO then check a physical printer (without a connection to logical printer)


2.0 You can try  disabling the PDF_REPORT_CREATED event and try report rule functionality for the Purchase order report


Report Rule to send an email with a customizable mail subject and body etc. You need to setup a report rule with the “Send email” action. How to do this is given in the F1 docs and the link is given below. This link may be vary depending on the environment you are in. You can try F1 key to get this.


Note that the patch 141602 need to be installed for the above to work correctly. This has gone with Apps10 UPD9.

So, this is not available in Apps 9?  I will look more at this though….thanks!


PDF_PARAMETER 11 does not exist.  Apps 9 only goes up to #8

Dumeesha Wanigarathna
Superhero (Partner)



Sorry for miscommunication. The given bug correction was done to correct below scenario.

“Report rule not taken into account when both printing and sending mail if printing directly to a physical printer”

That means the  emailing set up in Report Rule was not considered when the physical printer is selected.


The same content for Report Rule is available for App9 also in F1 documentation. You may try either report rule option or physical printer option in my previous e mail I have deleted the content I have written about the bug for clarity of other readers.




Dumeesha Wanigarathna
Superhero (Partner)



Correction to the previous reply. Report Rule functionality too triggered when printing to logical printer. Therefore please  try selecting physical printer (not connected to any logical printer) when printing the report.



  • Superhero (Customer)
  • 1482 replies
  • March 19, 2021
Dumeesha Wanigarathna wrote:



Correction to the previous reply. Report Rule functionality too triggered when printing to logical printer. Therefore please  try selecting physical printer (not connected to any logical printer) when printing the report.



We have a dummy logical printer setup for this purpose that intentionally fails to create a pdf report.  We have most users set to this printer as the default so that unintentional prints don’t trigger email sends that are unexpected.


Dumeesha Wanigarathna
Superhero (Partner)



There is a bug correction for similar scenario mentioned by you and PDF_EVENT_PARAM_9 was introduced to App9 to achieve the expected functionality.

Bug id - 144016. This patch is attached to App9 UPD12


Here I will add the bug description to get more understanding. Hope this will be helpfull for you.

Symptom: When printing the order confirmation, Email sent to the mail address
Test Scenario:
Pre- requisite
Go to the customer “Contact” > “Personal Comm Method” > update the Email address

1/ Create a Customer Order with a line
2/ RMB > PRINT order confirmation
3/ See the preview and OK the dialog box

Mail will be sent to the particular user.
R&D Info: Here customer is only expecting the report print out. But the contact person is receiving an email too. The BUG correction 137084 in APP9 UPD8 has introduced this to the system according to the customer claim. But for some customers sending email during the printing was a real issue. So we decided to control the email sending as follows.
- There is no automatic email generation when we Print the Order Confirmation. This will achieve by configuring the Event Parameter “PDF_PARAMETER_9” and there is a onetime event data set up for that.
- If the user want to send an email during the printing of report, user has to check the check box “Send email to…” and specify the receivers email.
- If the customer only need to email the report then the user need invoke RMB “E-mail Order Confirmation…” and it will only email the order confirmation report.
- Everything will be documented at “About E-mail Reports” under the customer order documentation.

Note: In the relevant event PDF_REPORT_CREATED it has to set the Conditions for performing this action as
PDF_PARAMETER_9 != TRUE and then you won't get the email while print using print dialog.
For more information please refer the “About E-mail Reports” documentation.

Note :For the APP10 correction PDF_PARAMETER 11 has been used.

Same functionality will be consistent within the supply chain report functionality and the correction will affect the following reports.
---------------------- PURCH ------------------------------------
Purchase Order Window.
  Print Order
  Print Order Changes.
  Print Order Work Copy
  Print Order Change Work Copy

Supplier Consignment Stock Consumption/Supplier Consignment Stock Consumptions
Notify Supplier-Print Summarized List
Notify Supplier for Parts-Print Summarized List
Print Consumed Parts-Detailed List
Print Consumed Parts-Summarized List

---------------------- ORDER ------------------------------------
Customer Order Window
   Print Pro Forma Invoice
   Print Order Confirmation

Sales Quotation/ Sales Quotations
   Print Quotation

Quick Order Flow
   Print Order Confirmation

Customer Invoice (APP10 help documentation updated with his information)
Print Invoice from customer Invoice window

  • Do Gooder
  • 5 replies
  • September 22, 2021


@Dumeesha Wanigarathna thank you for providing that information.

Just wanted to sum up what this post was saying to see if I am following along correctly as I am still running into the issue.

Problem: Emails are being generated when printing to a logical printer.

Resolution: (IFS Apps 9): Set PDF_PARAMETER_9 != TRUE in the Event Action using PDF_REPORT_CREATED Event.

Here is an example of an event action that is still kicking emails out after only selecting to print to a logical printer.


Please let me know if I am following along correctly or missing something.

Thank you,

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