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Serial/ Lot Batch Number not Transferring in Inter Site Customer Order

  • February 8, 2020
  • 4 replies




There are 2 sites (S1 & S2) each with its separate company (C1 & C2). Both have been configured to communicate for inter-site customer orders.

When customer order is created on site S1 with supply code ‘Int Purch Trans’, a PO is auto created at S1 & an Incoming Customer Order is created at site S2 (which when approved, a CO is created at S2).

Then CO at S2 is Invoiced/Closed with a part that is both Serial/Lot batch tracked.

Now, GRN has to be done against the PO at site S1 to auto-reserve the part issued to CO at S1 via CO invoiced/closed at S2.

Here, I’m facing a problem, i.e. the Lot batch Number & the Serial number aren’t being captured at the time of GRN.

This process works perfectly fine if I do it for sites that belong to the same company.

4 replies

Hero (Customer)
  • Hero (Customer)
  • 27 replies
  • February 26, 2020

Have you considered using Dispatch Advice to send the delivery information from Site S2 to the receiving site S1. I believe the Lot/Batch and Serial Number should be transferred in the Dispatch Advice message, which you would then process in the Incoming Dispatch Advice screen.

  • Author
  • Do Gooder
  • 7 replies
  • March 4, 2020


Hero (Customer)
  • Hero (Customer)
  • 27 replies
  • March 4, 2020

If you have the message class defined that will allow you to send the Dispatch Advice. There is a setting on the internal customer (Order tab → Message Defaults tab) to Send Automatically or you can manually send from Print Delivery Note

@MilSiddiH  Do you use this currently for your internal transfers?

Johan Lundström
Do Gooder (Employee)

Just adding a small explanation - the reason for this working when delivering parts between sites in the same company is that in that scenario there is the additional requirement that the parts are owned by the same company even under the time of delivery - so this is kept as tracking information in the internal order transit object which includes lot batch and serials. 


When delivering between sites in different companies it is the same scenario (at least from a financial perspective) as receiving goods from an external supplier. So there is no need for using internal order transit to keep track of financial value (or you wouldn’t even know for an external delivery). So hence no tracking information available in internal order transit for that scenario. 

But as mentioned in previous post you can get that information sent to demand site by using dispatch advice.


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