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How to do the Lobby Navigating to a page where the target column value is dynamic


I have  a lobby prepared which shows two counts depending one two different condition. I want to navigate the result into a screen which does not have the required search conditions that my lobby is based on and it is not possible to change that as well. 

I need to give a dynamic VALUE of the target column for it to work. I do not want the value to be hard-coded. 

Is there any way to fetch the VALUE of the target column from a different screen other than the screen I select here? 

How can I use the “MAPPED COLUMN”? It is disabled and I am not able to select it. 


Shneor Cheshin
Superhero (Employee)


I lost you. Can you please rephrase?

In a count element, you can not use a dynamic value. the only value you have is a count value which counts the records. What value do you wish to use for navigation?



  • Do Gooder (Customer)
  • June 17, 2024

Hi @Shneor Cheshin 

In the element designer we have the DATA part where we get the count of the columns. I am not trying to use a dynamic value here. 

I am trying to use a dynamic value in the “VALUE” part of the “TARGET COLUMN” in the “NAVIGATION” section. 


Shneor Cheshin
Superhero (Employee)


The way lobbies work is by taking the data from the UI.

A counter element does NOT have any values beside the number, so the element cannot use it for navigation. A list element, on the other hand, does have columns and changing values, so these can be used for navigation.

If you describe what you are trying to achieve, we might be able to assist. Or advise if that is not possible.


  • Do Gooder (Customer)
  • June 18, 2024

Hi @Shneor Cheshin 

I have a lobby showing two counts: one for orders with open tasks and one for orders without open tasks. When I click on the count for orders with open tasks, I want to go to another screen called ORDERREQ and see only those orders with open tasks, and the same for orders without open tasks.


My question is: In the navigation setup, I need to provide search criteria for the ORDERREQ screen as you can see in the screenshot. Can we use dynamic values in the target column for the search criteria, so it automatically picks the order numbers based on the specific condition and navigates to that screen accordingly?

Shneor Cheshin
Superhero (Employee)


You need to set the screen as ORDERREQ, which now is empty.

Then set the criteria of order that have open tasks (not sure what it is).

For example, below is a counter of tasks with overdue SLAs (time_commit)




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