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How Parallel Development work in IFS Cloud

Hero (Partner)

for IFS10 was introduced possibility to “Parallel development”:

Parallel development allows multiple developers to work on the same app without overwriting other developer changes by creating a unique app for every developer.

(Parallel Development - Technical Documentation For IFS Cloud)

in Docs is manual to do some Grants (again under non-existent role IFSAPP:_FULL) and shown start of application via some (for me strange - maybe RnD internal) dialog.


Does it really work in IFS Cloud too?

How to connect to this own unique application?


I tried it, navigated to client, but it raise error with missing dependent object - maybe because I executed client “normally”.

How to configure “App Name” = “youruser_AppName”?


Do someone have experience with this development?


Do Gooder (Employee)
  • Do Gooder (Employee)
  • July 7, 2022

Hi Filip,

This is a functionality used mainly for development purposes within IFS. It exists in Cloud too but I would like to clarify the below points on why you may not be able to use it externally.

Please note that the web site also contains developer documentation targeting IFS-internal developers.

  • IFSAPP_FULL is a permission set available in IFS internal environments (app owner who has everything granted). This may exist with other names in other environments outside of IFS, but normally it’s not granted to developers or end users.
  • It’s not possible to connect to the unique app (such as yourname_ServiceEngApp) from any of the apps available in the stores. There’s a different development app which is not distributed outside IFS, which is used to connect to these apps.

Hope this answers your question.

Thanks and best regards,

Hero (Partner)
  • Hero (Partner)
  • July 7, 2022

Hi @Binesh,
when documentation is totally public is very unpleasant and confusing, that this only internal points are not marked as internal.

How should be done Aurena development on BP environments without this functionality?

How was development methodology verified and tested, when IFS use another technologies than are provided to partners and customers?

When Aurena is HTTP protocol based, it must be done by set some Header or Cookies option, so it have to be done without any special tool.

Could you please check what is handled differently in browser with usage of this feature?




Do Gooder (Employee)
  • Do Gooder (Employee)
  • July 8, 2022

Hi Filip,

Yes, ideally these documentation pages should have been marked as internal. I will follow up with the document owners.

Parallel development is only used in Aurena Native development and it's not valid for normal Aurena development. In Aurena Native, the HTTP calls are being made from the native apps, rather than from a web browser.

At IFS, during the development stage, multiple developers work on the same files in parallel and deploy to internal environments quite frequently for testing. This is not something we have anticipated to happen in customer environments where it's very rare for development to happen in the CORE layer. For customizations and other developments, it's possible to continue without having to use this feature.

As mentioned in the Feature Toggles dialog, these functionalities "activate experimental code for testing purposes".

Thanks and best regards,

Hero (Partner)
  • Hero (Partner)
  • July 8, 2022

Hi @Binesh,
most of modifications in Cust layer (about 80%) are done on very small amount of objects - eg. Invoice, CustomerOrder, ShopOrder, InventoryPart, PurchaseOrder and only few modules (ORDER, INVOIC, SHPORD, GENLED, ACRULL, MFGSTD, PURCH).
So conflicts between developers are very often, we expect simultaneous work of about 20 developers on one project.
While development was done via harvest with file reservation, chance of conflicts was acceptable (During development in Aurena, lot of dependent code is deployed to db very often, and this dependent files are commonly not reserved). Now, when development was moved to GIT is chance of conflicts very high.

BP offers max. 6 environments (and in real lifecycle is impossible to use all for development, there will be always some DEL, QA or testing TOP envs), so only way to prevent conflict is max. 6 developers working - when we are talking about development in same modules. Is nearly impossible to plan work of 20 developers to avoid conflicts when they all needs same few files.

So this “Parallel development” is from my point of view only way how to solve it.

In documentation is no mentioned it is only for native development.

When I enable it and deploy projection and client, it create new objects, prefixed with namespace (in my case “fivrcz_”).
So it duplicate navigator entries, create new projection and new client/new pages.
Currently I tried it on my new projection/client with no dependencies, so it works good.

In past, I tested it on some standard projection/client with many dependencies - then is maybe required to deploy it with all dependencies - it may be complicated on some bigger projection with deeper dependency structure.

So, I’m expecting here should be some setting/switch/… to set what prefix I prefer to browser show me only mine prefixed objects → show “fivrcz_Company” instead of “Company” and hide another developers namespaces.

Is here some functionality to cleanup namespace? Drop all objects from that namespace and cleanup navigator at once?


Do Gooder (Employee)
  • Do Gooder (Employee)
  • July 8, 2022

Hi Filip,

The parallel development article is located within the “Aurena Native Development” section so it was not specifically marked as for native development.

Generally, Aurena Native projections are smaller with less dependencies as they are for mobile apps.

If it was an Aurena Native app which was deployed with this setting enabled, then it can be deleted all at once from the Applications page. I don’t know of a way to do that for normal Aurena objects.

Thanks and best regards,

Hero (Partner)
  • Hero (Partner)
  • July 8, 2022

Hi @Binesh,
you are right… I saw it in past in docs for app10 and now I only search name and didn’t check navigator structure…


Thanks for responses.


  • Sidekick (Employee)
  • February 8, 2024

Any plan to support Parallel dev for Aurena Development in IFS Cloud as well?


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