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I try tu use a crystal reports file (rpt) in quick report but got the error "There was an error retrieving the report"


Hello to all,

I just start to test quick reports and try to use crystal reports as quick report. I got already a rpt file which is working well in IFS but when I upload it in quick report and try to see the report I get this

the release we use is IFS 23R2 cloud version…

Thank you in advance.


Hero (Employee)

Hi @fthary,

Did you check CWS logs to find any clue? If so, please provide them.

  • Do Gooder (Customer)
  • June 20, 2024

Yes this is the logs but it does not talk to us…

[18:29] FERLIN Loic

20/06/2024 18:28:40[IFSCRWebDEV]-[GetDbInfoFromXml] Decrypted.
20/06/2024 18:28:40[IFSCRWebDEV]-[GetDbInfoFromXml] Decrypted.
20/06/2024 18:28:40[IFSCRWebDEV]-[GetDbInfoFromXml] Retrieved Information from XML : DBUser-IFSSYS DBPassword-******* PrintUser-IFSPRINT PrintPassword-******* DBServerName-DEVPDB AppOwner-IFSAPP IALOwner-IFSINFO
20/06/2024 18:28:40[IFSCRWebDEV]-[GetDbInfoFromXml] Decrypted.
20/06/2024 18:28:40[IFSCRWebDEV]-[GetDbInfoFromXml] Decrypted.
20/06/2024 18:28:40[IFSCRWebDEV]-[GetDbInfoFromXml] Retrieved Information from XML : DBUser-IFSSYS DBPassword-******* PrintUser-IFSPRINT PrintPassword-******* DBServerName-DEVPDB AppOwner-IFSAPP IALOwner-IFSINFO
20/06/2024 18:28:40[IFSCRWebDEV]-[GetParameterCount] Report Document parameter count : 7
20/06/2024 18:28:40[IFSCRWebDEV]-[GetParameterCount] Parameter count : 0
20/06/2024 18:28:41[IFSCRWebDEV]-[GetDbInfoFromXml] Decrypted.
20/06/2024 18:28:41[IFSCRWebDEV]-[GetDbInfoFromXml] Decrypted.
20/06/2024 18:28:41[IFSCRWebDEV]-[GetDbInfoFromXml] Retrieved Information from XML : DBUser-IFSSYS DBPassword-******* PrintUser-IFSPRINT PrintPassword-******* DBServerName-DEVPDB AppOwner-IFSAPP IALOwner-IFSINFO
20/06/2024 18:28:41[IFSCRWebDEV]-[GetDbInfoFromXml] Decrypted.
20/06/2024 18:28:41[IFSCRWebDEV]-[GetDbInfoFromXml] Decrypted.
20/06/2024 18:28:41[IFSCRWebDEV]-[GetDbInfoFromXml] Retrieved Information from XML : DBUser-IFSSYS DBPassword-******* PrintUser-IFSPRINT PrintPassword-******* DBServerName-DEVPDB AppOwner-IFSAPP IALOwner-IFSINFO
20/06/2024 18:28:41[IFSCRWebDEV]-[GetSavedReportA] Exporting the report in Crystal format (*.rpt).
20/06/2024 18:28:41[IFSCRWebDEV]-[GetSavedReportA] File Name : C:\inetpub\wwwroot\IFSCRWebDEV\tmp\cca1cd64-eea5-47b7-920b-c7e0150c4b7b.rpt and User : ST01042
20/06/2024 18:28:41[IFSCRWebDEV]-[GetSavedReportA] SecuredReportRequired = NO
20/06/2024 18:28:41[IFSCRWebDEV]-[GetDbInfoFromXml] Decrypted.
20/06/2024 18:28:41[IFSCRWebDEV]-[GetDbInfoFromXml] Decrypted.
20/06/2024 18:28:41[IFSCRWebDEV]-[GetDbInfoFromXml] Retrieved Information from XML : DBUser-IFSSYS DBPassword-******* PrintUser-IFSPRINT PrintPassword-******* DBServerName-DEVPDB AppOwner-IFSAPP IALOwner-IFSINFO
20/06/2024 18:28:41[IFSCRWebDEV]-[OpenReport] File Name : C:\inetpub\wwwroot\IFSCRWebDEV\tmp\cca1cd64-eea5-47b7-920b-c7e0150c4b7b.rpt
20/06/2024 18:28:41[IFSCRWebDEV]-[IsFileNameValid] fileName : C:\inetpub\wwwroot\IFSCRWebDEV\tmp\cca1cd64-eea5-47b7-920b-c7e0150c4b7b.rpt
20/06/2024 18:28:41[IFSCRWebDEV]-[GetAppSetting] Get the value for OpenReportPath from Web.config.
20/06/2024 18:28:41[IFSCRWebDEV]-[IsFileNameValid] decodedFileName : C:\inetpub\wwwroot\IFSCRWebDEV\tmp\cca1cd64-eea5-47b7-920b-c7e0150c4b7b.rpt
20/06/2024 18:28:41[IFSCRWebDEV]-[IsFileNameValid] basePathDB : C:\inetpub\wwwroot\IFSCRWebDEV\tmp\
20/06/2024 18:28:41[IFSCRWebDEV]-[IsFileNameValid] basePathServer : C:\IFS\DEV\CrystalReport
20/06/2024 18:28:41[IFSCRWebDEV]-[IsFileNameValid] rptFullpath : C:\inetpub\wwwroot\IFSCRWebDEV\tmp\cca1cd64-eea5-47b7-920b-c7e0150c4b7b.rpt
20/06/2024 18:28:41[IFSCRWebDEV]-[IsFileNameValid] canonicalPath : C:\inetpub\wwwroot\IFSCRWebDEV\tmp\cca1cd64-eea5-47b7-920b-c7e0150c4b7b.rpt
20/06/2024 18:28:41[IFSCRWebDEV]-[IsFileNameValid] returning true
20/06/2024 18:28:41[IFSCRWebDEV]-[OpenReport] The file C:\inetpub\wwwroot\IFSCRWebDEV\tmp\cca1cd64-eea5-47b7-920b-c7e0150c4b7b.rpt is found
20/06/2024 18:28:41[IFSCRWebDEV]-[LoadReport] Loading report : C:\inetpub\wwwroot\IFSCRWebDEV\tmp\cca1cd64-eea5-47b7-920b-c7e0150c4b7b.rpt
20/06/2024 18:28:41[IFSCRWebDEV]-[LoadReport] DBUser = IFSSYS ,DBPassword : ******* ,DBServerName : DEVPDB ,AppOwner : IFSAPP
20/06/2024 18:28:41[IFSCRWebDEV]-[LoadReport] Processing 1 parameters.
20/06/2024 18:28:41[IFSCRWebDEV]-[SetTableLocation] Set appropriate post-fixes for SHOP_ORD_CONSOL_PICK_LIST_REP
20/06/2024 18:28:41[IFSCRWebDEV]-[SetDatabaseLocation] Generating fully qualified database object name for SHOP_ORD_CONSOL_PICK_LIST_REP


Hero (Employee)

Hi @fthary,

There is no info related to the error message in the CWS logs. Did your issue get resolved? 

  • Do Gooder (Customer)
  • July 3, 2024

hello yes thank you the pb came from the aliasses i have used _A instead \

  • Sidekick (Employee)
  • July 9, 2024

Hi @fthary,

What were the steps you followed to resolve this issue?


  • Do Gooder (Customer)
  • July 13, 2024

Hello to you, I follow the documentation regarding the suffixes used here Alternative alias naming mechanism (characters) due to bug in Crystal Reports
Running a report with "\" or "\\" in the alias will cause a runtime exception. In order to work around this problem an alternative alias naming mechanism have been added to the previous two already supported "\" + "\\" and "*" + "**". The new naming standard that can be used as of IFS Apps 7 SP2 is "_A" for views deployed in the application owner schema and "_I" for IAL's or views deployed in the information owner schema. These two new naming standards are supported by IFS EE. If you are only using Windows Clients there's no need to use this approach instead of the "\" approach, and as soon as Crystal corrects the bug the old "\" solution will work in the integration again. The support for the "_A" and "_I" approach will still be maintained (along with the support for "\") after Crystal corrects this bug, so there's no need to change any reports once the problem is fixed.
There's one potential problem with this solution, even if it's very unlikely anyone will come across this issue in the real life scenario. If you would have a view name ending with _A or _I that you would not like to logon automatically to (i.e. it's not an IFS Applications view) it's impossible to prevent the automatic logon from being done anyw


in the following link Crystal Reports as Quick Reports (


In order to have automatic login you need to give a alias to the views used in the main and sub-reports.

\ or _A for schema owner views

\\ or _Ifor IAL owner views


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