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Planning Method?

For MRP to Create Shop Order Requisitions that dont take into hand whats avb(onhand) in stock 

We Run a Finished Goods Item that have the product structure of  required X amount of another Semi Finished Goods

Some times Production get more from the shop order and we are not “allowed” to use that next day

So i want when Creating Finished Goods then running MRP i only want Shop Order Requisitions for the semi finished goods that is exact like QTY required from the Finished Goods  and not Required - Onhand = Shop Order Requisition

Hi ​@Yoda Sebastian,

There is no such Planning Method available which specifically exclude On-Hand stock with MRP.

Alternative option is, create an Availability Control Id and set Part Supply Control option to Non Nettable

Link same Availability Control Id with your desired On-Hand stock before running MRP.



Abdul Rehman

Hi ​@Yoda Sebastian,

There is no such Planning Method available which specifically exclude On-Hand stock with MRP.

Alternative option is, create an Availability Control Id and set Part Supply Control option to Non Nettable

Link same Availability Control Id with your desired On-Hand stock before running MRP.



Abdul Rehman

Yes this i know, I have tried to Set Shelf life on the Semi Finished Goods to 0days , but then when warehouse want to use it they get a warning “issuing from expired quantity do yo want to continue?” so if i can get this warning away i can have the shelf life “0” and MRP will not calculate On hand

Availability Control Id is better option to proceed with. I don't think other work around would work as efficiently like this 
