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Pegging lines within the same Purchase Order to each other

  • 25 July 2024
  • 3 replies

In APPS 10 IEE, if you have a Purchase Order with multiple lines on a single supplier, and need to have multiple lines pegged to each other as the supplier needs to use 2 of the parts on the order to manufacture a third part, can you peg the lines together. I can peg shop orders together, shop orders to purchase orders and purchase orders to shop orders, but can’t find a way of pegging either one purchase order to another purchase order, or in this example trying to peg one line from a purchase order to a different line on the same purchase order. If it’s  not possible in APPS 10 is there another way of doing this 

3 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +15

Hi @AsahiNick ,

If the “supplier needs to use 2 of the parts on the order to manufacture a third part”, are you then providing the component parts to your supplier to get the manufactured part from supplier?. 

Please, clarify this.



Badge +1

Hi Pilar, in this example, No we are not supplying them with the Parts, we have a Purchase Order with the Supplier, one line of which is a sub-assembly and another line of which is for a Part to be used in the Manufacture of the sub-assembly. We’re trying to figure out if we can peg for example PO Line 1 to PO Line 33 within the same order

Userlevel 5
Badge +15

Hi @AsahiNick ,

As far as I know, pegging in IFS is used to connect a supply to a demand. In your case, both Purchase Order lines are supplies. Then, the responsibility of pegging lines together would be from your Supplier side, I guess. But you can also create a new Idea with a detailed business case so RnD can analyze if this could be useful.


