Hello, we have some parts that use MS level 1 manual forecasts in conjunction with project planned netting groups. A planner noticed today that two out of the 10 parts had a "last run date" of today's date even though no one manually ran MS and there's no scheduled task for it. The remainder of the parts had dates in the past as you can see. PMRP is run daily for all projects.
I see in the background job details for PMRP that running MS is a step at the very end. My question is does that last run date on MSL1 part indicate when MS ran or when it actually changed something? I’m wondering if the two parts in question had some supply/demand changes and MS had to recalculate and the other parts did not require recalculation? We are on APPS10 and we recently installed UPD17.
Thanks for any insight you can provide.