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In MWO user has started the Work on 11:48, but in Work task screen it shows that started time as 10:48.

In Device App as below


In Work Tas as below.

Are both users connected to the same site and does that site correctly reflect the users’ time zone?

Hello Alexander,

User is connected to the same site in which the work task is created and assigned to user. its not all the users are getting this issue. as i created some same scenario its working fine.

is there a screen where user is created with time zone ?

Can you clarify when the issue occurs - is it one backoffice user and multiple MWO users? Or multiple backoffice users and one MWO user?

its occurring only for MWO users… only for some users … around 4 users  

If they all belong to the same site, can you check the Device Locations page to see their time zones? 


Please check if the device time and the site time are the same. If the device is ahead of the site time, the time sent from the device gets replaced by the site time in the backend as it cannot be a future time.

Check the site offset value and set it to match the device time.


