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We are in IFS 10 update 22. We are working in the IEE client but I am working on setting up some in Aurnea as well. I am running into an issue with updating the actual object ID on work tasks. We have two companies and three sites. My company 20 has two sites - 210 and 215. I am trying to update the Actual object ID to a serial object out in the field once we figure out which one it is. IEE does not let me update the Actual Object Site at all - or search for the other site. My work order site is even 215, but it will not allow me to update. 

Work task with site 215 reported object 210. Both are company 20.
Search for site 215 actual objects
No results found
This is the serial object that does exist at 215 that we would want to report as the actual object the work was done on. 

Aurena looks like it would let me but continues to say the equipment object doesn’t exists although it does. This is the same environment as the picture above showing the serial object does exist.

Aurena allows me to update the site and actual object ID but does not allow me to save it. 

Is there something we could be missing in our set up of site or company to allow this?

Hi ​@courtney.engel 


Yes, there is some issue with the “Actual Object Site” field in Work Task > Object tab.

As per Help text:

Actual Object ID:
The actual object for which the work task is intended. At new entry, the reported object ID will be copied in as the actual object. This value can be changed using the List of Values to a suitable value during execution of the work task. If you want to find an object that belongs to another site, use the List of Values in the Site field to select another site. Then use the List of Values in the Actual Object ID field to select an object and object site.


So according to the Help text, if you want to choose an object in another site, then first you need to change “Actual Object Site”, but here it is empty. If you want this to be fixed/investigated from code level, better to report a support case.


However, there is a workaround for this issue. You can change the actual object site and ID from Work order > Work tasks tab.


  1. Open Prepare work order form, search for the work order and select Work tasks tab.
  2. There you can first change the Actual Object Site from the LOV and then open the LOV for Actual Object ID. Now the objects will be correctly filtered based on the site.


Best Regards,


In addition to my previous reply, you can use the same steps for Aurena as well.

