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I’m in Apps 10 IEE Update 13 and I need to set up the ability to add an attachment ( PDF ) to the return material logical unit and it isn’t set up.  When I go to object connection transformations I get the following error( see attachment).  I went down the rabbit hole...can someone get me out?


Go to the ‘Object Connections’ window (Solution Manager > User Interface)

Then create a new line and add below details

  1. LU Name - ReturnMaterial           
  2. View Name - RETURN_MATERIAL             
  3. Package - RETURN_MATERIAL_API                         
  4. Service List - DocReferenceObject^
  5. Then save the line, RMB on it and select ‘Refresh Cache’
  6. Then restart the application and start the ‘OCT’ process

when I attempt to do what you have suggested I only see this


Can you please do it in the ‘Object Connections’ window


I’m sorry. I was in the wrong screen.  This worked perfectly.


Thank you.

Great, Glad it worked perfectly.