Please refer the test plan below.
Create a serial structure with multiple levels. Issue recreated in 22R1 Core Regional Test CMB environment. The customer flow reported and the business process related to the issue is also attached.
Create two task cards.set active
Report fault for a subassembly having a leaf part at a lower level .
Insert the task cards via manage fault information
Verify if the data are visible in the maintenance events per serial structure.
Create a new maintenance order.
Assign the maintenance events
Release the maintenance order.
Go to work order structure navigator.
Prepare work order and release the work tasks
Copy work task ID 16415
Check manage serial structure
We will be processing this part(the leaf part under 11000-1-1) next with serial NO-1009
Execute work task 16415
Assume we are returning the leaf part (11000-1-1-01)
Perform the structure change and verify via manage serial structure
Return part to inventory
Create CRO via heavy maintenance returns
Make sure to enter the installation work task number as 16416(the second work task) Assuming that it will be used for installation
Work task no 16416 is the installation work task no which the destination for using during the assembly
Verify whether the respective work task exists
Approve CRO and release to repair.
Process the Disposition shop order Use this disposition code which Does not reuse the part
Release and Approve the DSO
Check the work task. The quantity is reserved
The serial is reserved for the next work task even though the disposition code is set as do not re-use.
Please check and advise if this is the expected system behavior