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I created an IFS report rule that would auto attach a report PDF file to the linked business opportunity header. I would like to mention that the Report ID being used was built by someone else for us. This environment is on Apps 10 UPD8.

The action type is set to ‘Check In To Document Management’. The ConnectedLU = ‘BusinessOpportunity’ had to be manually added, it was not found in the list of values.

I created a new document class ‘600’

The issue I’m having is that after clicking on the RMB in Business Opportunity to run the report and the PDF is created the Report Rule does not run at all, nothing gets attached to the selected BO. 

can you check the Report Rule log window

does it look as if the report rule condition is returning True

Try the following,

  1. Try giving the file name as ‘File_name_test.pdf”
  2. Remove the ^ from key ref (77^)
  3. Also if I’m not mistaken, this is trigged when you print to a logical printer. So try printing to NO_PRINTOUT logical printer and check if the print job is successfully completed.
  4. If you are printing multiple reports at once make sure “No multi” checkbox is unchecked.

I checked the Report Rule Log screen it remains empty. 


I added the NO_PRINTOUT Set Property action and updated the Check In To Document Management action. The Print job queue status stayed in ‘working’

The report still does not get auto attached to the BO Attachments.

To get the RRE logging you need to enable it from the System Parameters.

If the Job is in Working state that means it been processed but if it’s stuck and not set to complete or error (if any error) then there seems to be an issue with the report. First disable the rule and check if the print job is successfully completed. Then add the rule afterwards. If it gets stuck then, maybe it’s an issue in processing the rule and you would have to contact support to further help you out with the matter.