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Hello all,


Is it possible to print attached media files on a report designer report? Specifically in this case we are trying to print the media receipts on to the IFS report designer expense report.





Hi @rsczerowski ,


It is possible to print the media files on a report designer report.  You’ll have to write the code in your RDL file (PL/SQL code) to extract the blob data and make it available to the report designer.   Have a look at the Media_Library_API  and Media_Library_Item_API to see the functions and procedures available to you.   If you have access to the built in report sources you can look at CustomerOrderConf.rdf (Customer Order Confirmation Report) you’ll see how they retrieve media images associated with the part catalog and print them on the customer order confirmation.


For example to see if any media files are available at the logical unit ExpenseHeader you’d write something like below.


library_id_   VARCHAR2(200);

library_id_ := Media_Library_Item_API.Media_Library_Item_Exist('ExpenseHeader', expense_id_);
IF (library_id_ IS NOT NULL) THEN
    // Extract media file.



William Klotz
