To see parts and inventory in MWO, two database tasks need to be run:
- Refresh All Purch Parts
- Refresh All Inventory Parts
Have a look at IFS Cloud - MWO Service demystified (23R2) - revised version | IFS Community, chapter What data gets synced?>Parts.
Thank you that has fixed the issue in terms of seeing My stock. Is there a way of restricting purchase orders I can see in MWO. I want to be able to see PO’s for my users remote warehouse as I currently see everything in the site.
If I look at the Sync Rule for the PurchaseOrderLineAllQuery entity there is already quite a constraining filter. Can you check if there is something you can use as-is to limit the POs? Otherwise you could set Filter Method to Exclude and create your own filter as explained in the document above. Or worst case modify the existing filters.
For the stand alone POs (not work task connected), user should only see the PO lines that have the user connected warehouse set as the destination warehouse.
Do you see the same issue for the direct POs (not generated through the refill logic)?
Yes I see all PO’s in MWO even if they do not have a destination warehouse attached to the lines.
We will also not be doing any purchasing through the work task.
Yes I see all PO’s in MWO even if they do not have a destination warehouse attached to the lines.
We will also not be doing any purchasing through the work task.
Ok. Please report a support ticket to investigate this further.