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Code from MaintEngApp.client.


Hi Everyone,


Someone know why the mobile try to get Resource Activity Seq by database(select *
from ifssmg.resource_activity_alloc 
where resource_activity_seq
            IN (SELECT resource_activity_seq FROM ifssmg.jt_execution_instance WHERE (task_seq, execution_instance_seq)
            IN (SELECT task_seq, execution_instance_seq FROM ifssmg.mobile_work_order_uiv)) and
   resource_seq = to_char(ifssmg.JT_TASK_RESOURCE_UTIL_API.Get_Resource_Seq_For_Person(ifssmg.PERSON_INFO_API.Get_Id_For_Current_User()))) if there is it in the first line in “TaskResourceSeq”.

I´m facing the problem with Rescource Activity Seq NULL during the accepting task in the pool.

Note: After the error in failed transactions, I do the select above the register is shown.



Code from MaintEngApp.client.


Hi Everyone,


Someone know why the mobile try to get Resource Activity Seq by database(select *
from ifssmg.resource_activity_alloc 
where resource_activity_seq
            IN (SELECT resource_activity_seq FROM ifssmg.jt_execution_instance WHERE (task_seq, execution_instance_seq)
            IN (SELECT task_seq, execution_instance_seq FROM ifssmg.mobile_work_order_uiv)) and
   resource_seq = to_char(ifssmg.JT_TASK_RESOURCE_UTIL_API.Get_Resource_Seq_For_Person(ifssmg.PERSON_INFO_API.Get_Id_For_Current_User()))) if there is it in the first line in “TaskResourceSeq”.

I´m facing the problem with Rescource Activity Seq NULL during the accepting task in the pool.

Note: After the error in failed transactions, I do the select above the register is shown.



Why is necessary delete as below:

It could be a delay in returning the NULL database on the call:

