I’m trying to change some fields in the mWO Service touch app (IFS10 upd9). However when using: {TaskRef.CustomerName}
The outcome is CustomerNumber-CustomerName. I’m not entitled to do a substr or something like that.
I’m trying to do this on MyAssignmentCard.
I’ve notice that everywhere customer name now shows up as number and name. I don’t know who thought of this, but I don’t like it.
Anyway, is there someone who knows which field to take or how to derive only the name?
Kind regards,
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I’ve not accomplished it yet. What I’ve learned is that one can check some of the functions using API Explorer.
When Page Designer is open for the page you want to adjust. Open Debug Console:
Image 1 - Locating the projection
A link to the documentation can be found via:
Now this brings a wealth of automatically generated material. It takes a long while to build and once done, opening a link in the document takes also a long time (so have a tea or coffee at hand ).
I’m still digging if that brings me a solution.
Thought about this again and have created a custom field for entity JtExecutionInstance as part of the application ServiceEngApp (via: Solution Manager\Touch Apps\Configuration\Entity Details).
The custom field was added to the entity as custom attribute and published.
Looking at the data the custom field is filled.
I added the field using the page designer. Saved and published it. I noticed in the shown example (on the right side in Aurena), that the field was correctly with data showing up.
I then initialized the mWO Service Engineer app. I assigned a task to myself in the app and headed over to the My Work card (which should contain the new custom field).
The label of the custom field was there, the data not
Don’t know were I mist a step (yes, the custom field is published and synchronized).
Thought about this again and have created a custom field for entity JtExecutionInstance as part of the application ServiceEngApp (via: Solution Manager\Touch Apps\Configuration\Entity Details).
The custom field was added to the entity as custom attribute and published.
Looking at the data the custom field is filled.
I added the field using the page designer. Saved and published it. I noticed in the shown example (on the right side in Aurena), that the field was correctly with data showing up.
I then initialized the mWO Service Engineer app. I assigned a task to myself in the app and headed over to the My Work card (which should contain the new custom field).
The label of the custom field was there, the data not
Don’t know were I mist a step (yes, the custom field is published and synchronized).
Is the custom field added and published on the sync entity as well?
After further testing it seems a problem with the usage of iOS. Checking the same function in Windows → worked. Android → worked.
With ‘worked’ I mean that the value of the custom field was shown. Where iOS showed the text ‘geen’ which is dutch for none.
Oddly enough a custom field on the work details (in iOS) seems to come through without any problems.