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We have created a customer service contract with an invoice rule to add a 4% markup on the items we’re buying for a customer.  We would like to know if there is a way to configure the service contract and /or work orders so that if we’re shipping a specific sales part to a customer there is no markup.

ie  Sales Line 290 below should have 0% markup instead of the default 4% derived from the Invoice Rule on the Customer Service Contract




The only way that I can think of is if you create a work order template and use that for the service contracts but that would mean that it would have to be the same sales parts etc for the same work order. 


I will speak with some colleagues and will get back to yourself on this. 


Kind regards, 



Instead of using Cost Type on your invoice Rule, can you use Sales Group?  So certain sales parts that belong to a particular sales group get 4% and the others get a 0% mark up?