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Hi ,


I am trying to write  a business rule where I want to create one condition to check whether the date value of a column is greater than today’s date+7 days. I now in the expression field i can write now() to get today’s date but how will I get a date which 7days in future.


Please help me here. 


You can add seconds/hours/minutes/days to now() - your expression should look something like this:


SECONDS(), MINUTES(), HOURS(), and DAYS() all take an integer as a parameter to add to a date and time


Hi Ethan,


Thanks for the information. I tried with this but it seems like not working. I have attached the screen shot below. Please check and correct me if I am wrong anywhere.



Expressions are done a little differently than basic comparisons for input parameters - there are a couple things you need to change

  1. On the previous screen (main Business Rule lookup) check the “Use Expression” checkbox for that input parameter:
    On “Business Rules” screen
  2. Delete any rules already created and create new ones - the ones created before you changed the inputs won’t update 
  3. The field that you designated as an expression will show up as such, update the expression on that line to do the comparison needed:
    On “Rule” screen


Hope this helps!

According to you needs to use the expression in input, you have to check use expression when you setup the input parameters.


and then use the expression as below



it is checking whether the created_dttm of the record is leass than now()-days(7) and the cust_prob_descr is changed. if so only it shows the allert.


expression : request.created_dttm < now() - days(7)


Note: if you use expression, Operator should be Expression.  ( Business Rule help guide page 89-90 )

