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Our company is utilizing IFS9.
Our company utilizes external software to help to combine several documents into one PDF format. The software name is (KOFAX).

After we have combined documents into one file with the PDF format, the user attaches the PDF file to the (IFS) Document Revision.

However, after we try to open the file in IFS, some fields have disappeared from the document.

Before the file is loaded into IFS it looks normal and includes all of the data. 
The problem happens after the file is loaded into IFS.

Any idea what is happening? 


That sounds very strange.

We take great care not to change the files checked in to Docman. What you check in should be what you get if you check out or view. Assuming, of course, that you use the official clients or APIs. We cannot take responsibility for integrations or import tools made by others.

Did you use the same program to open the PDF file before it was imported to IFS and after, and on the same machine?

If you have a copy of the original file, can you compare it with the file that comes out of Docman by looking at the file size and perhaps also diff the two files with some binary diff tool (there are free tools to do this).



@ZTC ZTC JGOTA did you do any investigations on this?