I have been trying to modify mwo in cust layer as an implementation and found this issue when i try to add a mediaselecter to an existing assistant.
I’m checking if this is not completely possible or if this is due to my implementation issue.
Customer is in 22R2 and in the code base the implementation is null for the function i’ve used from the eformsapp core file.
FUNCTION Create_And_Connect_Media___ (
  lu_name_ IN VARCHAR2,
  key_ref_ IN VARCHAR2,
  name_   IN VARCHAR2 ) RETURN Fnd_Media_Keys_Rec
END Create_And_Connect_Media___;
Can i know the error is due to this or any other reason?
implemetation is like following
in the AdHocPurchaseRequestAssistant (overtaken in cust)
fileselector MediaFileSelector {
     enabled = Âtrue];
     --uMediaEnabled = true];
     multifile = btrue];
     init command {
      execute {
        call GetMediaFileExtensions() into component.MediaFileSelector.AcceptedExtensions;
     label = "Attach Media Items";
finish command (moved inside) in the same assistantÂ
execute {
     call IsProductReviewListEmpty(ReferenceNo) into IsEmpty;
     if IsEmpty = "TRUE"] {
      error("Cannot finish Ad-hoc request without a part line.");
     else {
      call CreateAdhocReceipt(ReferenceNo, WorkTaskNo, Contract, VendorNo, CurrencyCode, ReceiptReference, SelfBillingEnabled);
      if kReferenceNo != null] {
        set KeyRef = "REFERENCE_NO=${ReferenceNo}^";
        set LuName = "AdhocPurchRequest";
      ifCcomponent.MediaFileSelector.IsEmpty != null] {
        upload "MediaItemSet(ItemId=$ÂMediaKeys.ItemId])/MediaObject" from MediaFileSelector {
         call CreateAndConnectMedia(LuName, KeyRef, component.MediaFileSelector.UploadingFile) into MediaKeys;
        navigate back;