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Navigated to the Application Configuration Package screen. Created an application configuration package.

Then navigated to the Custom Logical Unit screen. Create new LU. Add attributes you want to see in the table.

After creating custom logical unit RMB on it and Approved then Published, then add to the created Application Configuration Package.


IEE client

Navigated to the window where you want to add the table (eg: Prepare Work Order)

Then RMB on the page and Select Custom Objects - > Tabs -> Create New

Then added the created Custom Logical Unit Page as a Tab.


Aurena Client

Create Projection configuration with details. Here's shown example created example for a work assignment.

Standard Projection



  Publish the projection

Go to Aurena page where you want to add the table /tab

Get page designer

Create a list with entity you created above. Add needed fields.



Go to My Assignment Entity > Tabs


Add the list you created previously


From Optional attributes select Bindings add below binding.

Binding name – TaskSelector

Property – Contact (the list you created)



Save and publish the changes

Then Tab will shown in the screen

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