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We use Traces to find various issues on Mobile Work Order Apps. Essentially, what enabling Traces does is it logs every type of call (Database Calls, Application Code, Call Sequence, Stub Arguments) from Client to Server to see what happens Under the hood and Find solutions to the issue. Using traces, we can Track calls & actions from Client to Server (Backend).


Enable Traces

  1. To enable Traces, We need to select a user affected by a particular issue.
  2. On “IFS Enterprise Explorer,” please go to the “Explore Mobile User” window and Right Click on the user.
  3. Then select “Show Details.”
  1. Next, On the “Installed Apps/Devices” Tab, select the relevant device and Right Click on the Record.
  2. Then go to “Edit App/Device Settings…”
  1. In the Opened Dialog Box
    1. Check, “Enable traces” Check box
    2. Select Detailed Radio Box.
    3. Then, Check the relevant Check Boxes from the “Generate Traces for” Group.
    4. Then click Ok.
  1. After Enabling Traces, the user must Reinitialize the Device.

*Enabling Traces will add some small performance overhead to the particular user since every call to the server is logged as a Trace.


Inspecting Traces,

  1. In the Same window in the 4th Step, Right Click on the Device and Select “Sync traces.”
  1. Then you will be in the “Sync Traces” window. If you have done the correct steps on Enabling Traces, this window will have recorded traces.
  1. To inspect a Trace, Right Click on a trace and select “Show Details.”


hope This Helps!. Cheers!!.

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