Maybe someone could consult me in permissions stets issue how to switch off the presentation objects in IFS Cloud.
I know that there is presentation objects context in IFS Cloud, but then how to deal with the issue described below?
For example, for the user role „TEST_1“ we granted the projection „SupplierAgreementHandling“, but do not want to allow execution of the function „Create Request for Quotation“ for that user role:

So we didn‘t grant the projection „CreateRequestForOrderQuotationHandling“:

In „Managing grants by Commands“ we also see that Request for quotation in not granted:

But we still see this function in the Supplier Agreement for that user role:

Of course it ends with the error message when executing it:

This function in „Suppler Agreement“ form should be revoked for one user role, and should be granted for the other user role in the same form.
How to hide such revoked function for one user role and still to leave it visible for the other user role (in the same form)?
The same problem we met with the tabs in IFS Cloud forms: when one tab should be visible for one user role and should be hidden for the other.
It was easy to do in IFS9 and IFS10 via presentation objects. But how to do it in IFS Cloud? Via Projections? But we cannot find possibility to make functions and tabs not visible for the user roles via projections.
Thank you in advance.