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Adjusting Employee Company MCPR Transaction Invoiceability

Sidekick (Customer)

Could the community share any recommended workarounds or best practices to adjust the invoiceability of employee company MCPR transaction invoicability after they have been registered?

As we understand it, once a project transaction has been registered, it is not possible to change its invoiceability directly in the project transaction view or reviewed in the project transaction review view.

However, we are encountering on a regular basis situations where the original invoiceability of a transaction is incorrect and we cannot correct it.

The reasons for incorrect invoiceability are the following:

  1. User error: invoiceability incorrectly defined for the activity report code.
  2. System error: project transaction does not fetch the invoicability as defined in the activity report code.
  3. Business case: in a shadow payroll situation, the project transactions are used to allocate costs but not invoiced through project invoicing. Instead, they are invoiced through an instant invoice because we don’t know how the system-generated project invoice could be modified to suit the shadow payroll invoice content.

For reference, our Multi-Company Revenue Reporting Method is Project Invoice, and we operate in the IFS Cloud, Application service update: 24.1.3.

The best, of course, would be that the invoicability of the project transaction would be allowed!

Any guidance or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance for your assistance!

Br. Lauri


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