Issue: Customer is facing problem entering customer order into Aurena interface for some selected sites and customers. They get error into entering header and lines when they succeed to enter the header then the line give error.
Header Error

Line Error

Main reasons for ODP serialization error are as follows -
1. Data Type errors – SELECT statement returns a data type VAECHAR2, but the same attribute in the projection file has a different variable type. Eg: – number.
2. Custom fields
3. Invalid characters in data – special characters
4. Not acceptable values – Eg: Data is having a value where it is not acceptable in LOV.
5. Columns in the database table and attributes in the projection file have a different maximum length.
There are no mismatches between the database and the projection file for CustomerOrder. We compared all the lengths used in both the entity called CustomerOrder and CustomerOrderLine. Additionally, we checked the custom fields added on both the AURENA and IEE sides. We found that there are many custom fields added on the IEE side. Therefore, we unpublished all custom fields under CustomerOrder and CustomerOrderLine logical units from the IEE side. After that, ran the same process on the AURENA side, which executed successfully.
Header Custom Fields

Line Custom Fields