Good morning everyone,
I am having a problem passing a screen parameter/variable to a custom menu block.
I am sending code to a background job, as IFS gives me an error using UTL_FILE directly in the custom menu block.
The invoice_id_ variable in the main block works and returns the value of &INVOICE_ID, however in the background job text within the stmt variable, the same variable invoice_id_ does not return the value of &INVOICE_ID, it returns :__g_Bind.n[0] and I am unable to understand why this doesn’t work.
attr_ VARCHAR2(32000);
sql_msg_ VARCHAR2(32000);
stmt_ VARCHAR2(32000);invoice_id_ VARCHAR2(240) := &INVOICE_ID || '.PDF';
invoice_id_ VARCHAR2(240) := &INVOICE_ID || ''.PDF'';
UTL_FILE.FCOPY(''BIAL_INVOICE_SCAN_LB'', invoice_id_, ''BIAL_PDF'', invoice_id_, 1, NULL);
END;';sql_msg_ := Message_SYS.Construct('SUP_INV_ANA_SAVE_PDF');
Message_SYS.Add_Attribute(sql_msg_, 'SQL', stmt_);
Client_SYS.Add_To_Attr('SQL_DATA_', sql_msg_, attr_);
Client_SYS.Add_To_Attr('MSG_', '', attr_);Transaction_SYS.Deferred_Call(
Language_SYS.Translate_Constant('Event', 'NOTRANS: Event - SUP_INV_ANA_SAVE_PDF', NULL));-- Error_Sys.Record_General('Error',invoice_id_);
Thanks in advance for your help,
Carlos Mendes