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How can we correct absence limit of a carry forward absence type?

  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • 10 replies


The current annual absence limit of the employee can be corrected using ‘Current Employment Correction’ under 'Absence Limit Parameters'.

However, absence limits that are carried over in a carry forward absence type (unused absence hours of the last period) cannot be corrected.

How can we correct absence limit of a carry forward absence type?

We are using APPS10 UPD18.

Thanks and best regards,

3 replies

  • 27 replies
  • February 6, 2025

@ADDMARIAE : Hi Marie, 
how do you usually solve this issue with carry forward absences? I have the same question and usually do some reallocation to a regular absence (e.g. vacation) and lots of manual corrections… but is there another way how to  handle this? Might there be a better way in IFS Cloud? 

Any help is highly appreciated 😀!

I think, at some point this should be integrated in the Termination Assistant (where this question usually comes up),  but this is another story...

Thanks a lot!


Superhero (Partner)
  • Superhero (Partner)
  • 281 replies
  • February 7, 2025


To correct carry forward limits we do an “Unused Absence Limit Import”.

Important to have “Reallocated limits” ticked so that what is already reported is reallocated automatically.

A bit tricky sometimes and we have had issues where this has resulted in duplicate lines that you can’t remove… so do some tests in a test environment first :-)

And as you say Anny, setting an end date or setting absence limits and balances to 0 at leaving date should be included in the termination assistant - hopefully it will come.




  • 27 replies
  • February 10, 2025

@ADDMARIAE : Thank you so much for sharing, Marie! So, I am not the only one missing a solution here. Have a nice week!


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