There is a server error while navigating between ‘My Time Registration’ to ‘My Time Registration-Grid View’.

Invalid URL.
Url: null
Request Id = null
Date = 2023-04-07T10:45:22.789Z
Client version =
In debug console logs as below
Application - CMD(1): action({"name":"LoadEmpDataGrid","projection":"TimeRegistrationEmployeeHandling","bound":false,"params":{"CompanyId":"${CompanyId}","EmpNo":"${EmpNo}"}})
Application - POST: [object Object]
Application - ODP_UNSUPPORTED_URL: (Server Error) Invalid URL. Invalid URL. undefined
Application - ODP_UNSUPPORTED_URL: (Server Error) Invalid URL. Invalid URL. undefined
Application - ODP_UNSUPPORTED_URL: (Server Error) Invalid URL. Invalid URL. undefined
Application - N/A: (Server Error) N/A An internal server error occurred. Contact administrator. undefined
Application - CMD(1): > null
In network tab→ preview section for the error as below

Do you have any idea why this error is tracing and solution?