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Type Designation in Inventory Part vs Equipment Objects

  • January 11, 2023
  • 1 reply


Cloud, Type Designation in Inventory Part vs Equipment Objects:

I noticed that we have a field on Inventory Part named "Type Designation". My first thougt was: Great, now when I create a Serial Object from a serial tracked part then the "Type Designation" from Inventory Part will be inherited to the Serial Object! But no, it does not work like that! When I looked into it I noticed that the field on Inventory Part named "Type Designation" is a free text field, with a lenght of 25 characters.
But in Functional Object and Serial Object we have a field Type Designation with a length of 30 characters, and this field Type Designation is connected to a list of value (Basic Data). So there are no functionality between these fields!
I think it is confusing with two different fields, with the same label and no functionality between them! Or do I miss something here?

  • Superhero (Customer)
  • January 12, 2023

No, you didn’t miss anything, they are named the same, not connected, and operate independently as you’ve described.  No explanation for the reasoning, just that it is the same behavior that I’ve observed.


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