I have followed a tutorial found here on the community (RESTFul_API_CALL_NBRB.docx (live.com))
on how to send and receive data with with plsql_rest_sender_API.Call_Rest_EndPoint_Empty_Body2. I receive a json string in the response from the integrated system (see green line below)

My call is configured as below
rest_service_ => 'GET_SCALE_CUSTOMER',
--url_params_ => Url_params,
callback_func_ => 'C_Integration_Util_Api.REST_callback_Cust',
http_method_ => 'GET',
http_req_headers_ => 'Content-Type:application/json',
-- query_parameters_ => Query_params,
key_ref_ => client_sys.get_key_reference('','actorId',customer_no_),
accepted_res_codes_ =>'200'
When calling the Callback function it’s fetching the data in Get_Scale_Customer.xml code stored in message input data (see below) looking like this

I want to fetch the json string in the message response below. How is this done?