Background: Create new documents works fine using CreateAndImportDocument.svc/CreateDocument, but we often want to create a new revision (in order to keep history intact).
Challenge: When we are invoking CreateAndImportDocument.svc/CreateDocument and supplying a new revision parameter, it doesn’t seem to accept the new revision number, e.g. payload looks as following:
"DocClass": "ADDO_TEST",
"DocNo": "1365783",
"DocSheet": "1",
"DocRev": "A2",
"Title": "some test of ny revision",
"CreateFileRef": "YES"
Even though the new revision does not exist, IFS Cloud throws:
"error": {
"code": "DB_OBJECT_EXIST",
"message": "Resource already in use.",
"details": [
"code": 20112,
"message": "ORA-20112: DocTitle.DOCTITLEDOCNOEXIST: The document number 1365783 already exists."
How can we go about creating new revisions in terms of integration? Any pointers is most welcome.