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Document attached to Instant Invoice window is not visible in Ledger Items tab in Customer Analysis window


A customer is having an issue, when a document is attached to Instant Invoice window, it is not visible in Ledger Items tab of the Customer Analysis window.

During the investigation it was identified that the View Name for the LedgerItem LU is different compared to the core environment. See the screenshots below.

Customer Environment
Core Environement

When the view name is changed as per the core environment issue is getting resolved.

According to the technical documentation, view should be the base view. But in the in the System Info of the Ledger Items tab the view is mentioned as LEDGER_ITEM_CU_DET_QRY

Screenshot of the technical document

May I know what are the impact of changing the view, back to same as core environment and what could be the reason for the difference in customer environment.

4 replies

Mathias Dahl
Superhero (Employee)
  • Superhero (Employee)
  • 2806 replies
  • June 15, 2022

It's hard to say for sure what impact changing that view will have. A view might have a filter (WHERE clause) on it, that affects what records can be accessed through it. And those two views might differ in that respect.

I think you simply need to try and see how it works. And ask them why they changed from the base view to that special query view.

A view change might affect things like macro attributes from objects when using Docman macros and it might also affect GIS Map. But I don't think the customer is showing invoices on a map 🙂 

Amila Samarasinghe
Superhero (Partner)

According to the technical documentation, view should be the base view. But in the in the System Info of the Ledger Items tab the view is mentioned as LEDGER_ITEM_CU_DET_QRY


Even though the client form is connected to LEDGER_ITEM_CU_DET_QRY, the base view of LedgerItem is LEDGER_ITEM. However I have noted that document attachments work even without defining a view name in object connection window as well as I have seen some errors when opening the attachment panel when the view name is not the base view (But not always). So it is better to stick with the base view always



Mathias Dahl
Superhero (Employee)
  • Superhero (Employee)
  • 2806 replies
  • June 15, 2022

So it is better to stick with the base view always

It should be the best default option in the general case at least. But there are case where a non-base view is the one we should use I think.



Thank you @Mathias Dahl and @Amila Samarasinghe  for you valuable inputs.


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