In 22R1 there is a new concept introduced to identify equipment object, key will be “Equipment Object Sequence”. Object can be moved from one site to another, also to another company.
What appears to be not possible is to change Object ID. I am currently in project where the Object ID itself tells in which process facility etc. the object is located and therefore they are constantly (in their legacy system) changing the Object Identification. The object ID could change from e.g. 10-22-45-67-11 => 10-22-44-67-11. There is of course a unique ID in the background, similar to Equipment Object Sequence.
Once we now have a new key, Equipment Object Sequence, does it make easier or even practically possible to make modification that would allow to change the Object ID? Is that kind of functionality in the requirements backlog?
Viewing the location in functional hierarchy in equipment object navigator has been proposed, but the problem is that it does not show the parent structure of given object and there are up to 10 levels to navigate upwards - too many clicks.