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ORA-01086: savepoint 'EVENT_PROCESSED' never established in this session or is invalid

  • January 11, 2022
  • 1 reply

Thom C
Hero (Customer)
  • Hero (Customer)
  • 22 replies

Has anyone ever experienced this customer order failure in background jobs:

The Customer Order redeploys a Serial tracked Part from Inventory to a Customer. The Serial Part itself was produced in IFS 2004/Apps7.5 and gets returned, serviced, and put back in stock multiple times over its life. 

PROCEDURE............:  Customer_Order_Flow_API.Process_From_Report_Picking__



ORA-01086: savepoint 'EVENT_PROCESSED' never established in this session or is invalid


ORA-20111: Site.NOTEXIST: The Site "*" does not exist.





ORA-06512: at line 1

ORA-06512: at "IFSAPP.TRANSACTION_SYS", line 1452

ORA-06512: at "IFSAPP.TRANSACTION_SYS", line 690

ORA-06512: at "IFSAPP.TRANSACTION_SYS", line 1237


The Customer Order Flow processes all Business Steps without stops after Manual Reservation.

When this occurs the Order, Order Line, Reservation, and Delivery rows are corrupted. Typically the Order Status reverts to Released, and Inventory Transaction History row is created, and Inventory Part in Stock is reduced.  

The “The Site "*" does not exist” of course does not apply to the Customer Order. My poking around indicates it may have something to do with Part Serial Object. 

IFS R&D and IFS Support have been of no assistance for way too long, It was IFS Support’s suggestion that I post this topic. 


Best answer by Tharindu Sooriyaarachchi

Hi Thomas,


When you create the part serial, the initial alternate site is '*'. But, when you create customer order using that sales part and try to pick or deliver the customer order, there is a logic in Equipment_Serial_Utility_API method to check whether there are existing equipment objects for this part using below code.

IF (Equipment_Serial_API.Check_Serial_Exist(part_no_, serial_no_) = 'TRUE') THEN

At the first time you don't have equipment objects for this part. Therefore, it will go to else block and try to create an equipment object calling Equipment_Serial_API.Create_Serial_Object_C_O method. Inside that, there is a logic to modify the alternate id and alternate site using below code.

Part_Serial_Catalog_API.Modify_Alternate_Id(part_no_, serial_no_, mch_code_, contract_);

Therefore, the alternate site will be modified as '01'.

But in your scenario, alternate site of part serial 'NX1000-1' is '*' though there are existing equipment objects for this part.

The customer has been using this serial part since APPS 7.5 and probably 'Modify_Alternate_Id' code might have been added to the database later. Therefore, when you are trying to deliver the customer order, it's going to check whether the site '*' is already existing. Therefore, you will get below error

Site.NOTEXIST: The Site "*" does not exist.

I did the data repair (Case id:G2054114-A) to modify the alternate site to '01' and customer has verified the data repair is working.

Best Regards,

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Tharindu Sooriyaarachchi
Hero (Employee)

Hi Thomas,


When you create the part serial, the initial alternate site is '*'. But, when you create customer order using that sales part and try to pick or deliver the customer order, there is a logic in Equipment_Serial_Utility_API method to check whether there are existing equipment objects for this part using below code.

IF (Equipment_Serial_API.Check_Serial_Exist(part_no_, serial_no_) = 'TRUE') THEN

At the first time you don't have equipment objects for this part. Therefore, it will go to else block and try to create an equipment object calling Equipment_Serial_API.Create_Serial_Object_C_O method. Inside that, there is a logic to modify the alternate id and alternate site using below code.

Part_Serial_Catalog_API.Modify_Alternate_Id(part_no_, serial_no_, mch_code_, contract_);

Therefore, the alternate site will be modified as '01'.

But in your scenario, alternate site of part serial 'NX1000-1' is '*' though there are existing equipment objects for this part.

The customer has been using this serial part since APPS 7.5 and probably 'Modify_Alternate_Id' code might have been added to the database later. Therefore, when you are trying to deliver the customer order, it's going to check whether the site '*' is already existing. Therefore, you will get below error

Site.NOTEXIST: The Site "*" does not exist.

I did the data repair (Case id:G2054114-A) to modify the alternate site to '01' and customer has verified the data repair is working.

Best Regards,

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