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Extend Absence limit validity

  • October 14, 2021
  • 7 replies

  • Do Gooder (Customer)
  • 4 replies



Want to know if it possible to extend the limit validity to be more than one year.


As we have case in our company where employee will use their 2021 balance to take vacation from December 2021 till January 2022, but system is topping them with error message of limit exceed.


As the validity of the current balance is until  end of Dec 2021.

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7 replies

  • Sidekick (Partner)
  • 20 replies
  • October 15, 2021

It sounds like you are using a standard calendar year for your absences but still allow your employees to use up their absence limit into Jan 22. In this case I would change the calendar to be a custom calendar and include Jan. Give that a go.

  • Author
  • Do Gooder (Customer)
  • 4 replies
  • October 24, 2021
MariaN wrote:

It sounds like you are using a standard calendar year for your absences but still allow your employees to use up their absence limit into Jan 22. In this case I would change the calendar to be a custom calendar and include Jan. Give that a go.

Not working, the calendar is already specified for the coming 9 years.


Dharshankumaar Mahendran
Superhero (Partner)


I believe you can define an absence where the unused absence can be carried forward to, for which you can define “Carry Forward Absence Type” in the absence configuration.


Hope this helps,

Best Regards,

  • Author
  • Do Gooder (Customer)
  • 4 replies
  • October 24, 2021
Dharshankumaar Mahendran wrote:


I believe you can define an absence where the unused absence can be carried forward to, for which you can define “Carry Forward Absence Type” in the absence configuration.


Hope this helps,

Best Regards,

We already have a carry forward leave type but the problem they do not want to take it as a carry forward they want to book the vacation from now “to take vacation from December 2021 till January 2022”

Dharshankumaar Mahendran
Superhero (Partner)



Do you think the functionality of “Negative Carry-Over” will work in this case.

Best Regards,


  • Sidekick (Partner)
  • 20 replies
  • October 26, 2021
NASOTA wrote:
MariaN wrote:

It sounds like you are using a standard calendar year for your absences but still allow your employees to use up their absence limit into Jan 22. In this case I would change the calendar to be a custom calendar and include Jan. Give that a go.

Not working, the calendar is already specified for the coming 9 years.


Hello again,

The screen shot you attached is showing the work time calendar which isn’t linked to your absences. The absences in the HR module use a separate calendar. You can zoom in from your absence group or go to Human Resources > Time Management > Schedules and Rules > Absence Management Basic Data > Absence Limit Calendar Type

There are three different options for the Period Type.

Absence Limit Calendar Type - Period Type

I am assuming you are currently using Calendar Year which is your normal Jan-Dec. I was suggesting you try the Custom Year instead. When you do that you can define Jan 2021 - Jan 2022. Once you have done that you need to add that calendar to your absence group into the field Calendar Type ID. When you now generate absence limits for your absence group it will include Jan 2022.



  • Do Gooder (Employee)
  • 1 reply
  • October 28, 2021

There is a parameter setting in Absence Configuration window in order to use defined limit for extended period. 

  1. Absence Configuration
  2. Select the absence group 
  3. Go to Limit definition and select the absence type
  4. RMB>Limit Setting Parameter Value
  5. Select Limit Parameter Description - Validity Period Extension (in years)
  6. Set the parameter value and save.


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