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At IFS10 Update10  Project Deliverables Navigator screen our engineers noticed that a sum problem. When you want to search an item and sum required qty field, the sum result is coming wrong. 

I tried to show at below picture. There is one requried qty but sum is 13.

Is this a bug?

Kind Regards.



If you take a debug from this screen, you will see there is no any filter about root_item. Becouse of that it is probably getting all WIE-73% items sum’ s for all project deliveries.

For this example, it should sum only root_item=104001’ s items.



What is shown in the Project Deliverable Items page for WIE-73% in 104001?

There is shown “Quantity Per Assembly” = 1 and only at one row. There is no any other rows for WIE-73% in 104001.

I think the problem is in query of the sum result. It is coming from VisualStudio C# standard codes.

Probably the query is building by Ifs.Fnd.Explorer.Extenders.dll .



I just saw root_item_no field in search list. If I type root item no, it is returning true value.

Normally, there should be no need to write root item number on this screen.


